1. Super Nintendo
Of course, the console of milestones like Super Mario World, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Terranigma, The Legend of Zelda 3, Final Fantasy 3 to 6, and many more.
2. Sega Megadrive / Genesis
Another great console. At that time of course I was a Big N freak, hating Sony and Sega (the hate for Sony remained due to them spreading malware). However, there were also many great games for the Megadrive, just think about Sonic.
3. Nintendo 64
There still is no perfect emulator for the N64. I only had a few games for that console, but they were real pearls:
Blast Corps, Banjo-Kazooie, Banjo-Tooie, Bomberman 64 (sadly lent that to someone and never got it back), Donkey Kong 64, F-Zero X, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario 64, Quest 64 (ok, that was not good), and probably some I forgot now. I'd at least love to play Blast Corps and Bomberman 64 with a perfect emulation again. If they come to GOG, I buy it. Mario Kart 64 was nice due to multiplayer so probably nothing I'd buy again.