KyleKatarn: It's the physical manifestation of ideas that I think of as scarce.
Vestin: Scarcity is irrelevant. What matters is property. If there are countless apples on nearby trees, you can have any one you'd like but NOT the one I'm holding in my hand. That's MINE - I've spotted it, reached for it and picked it.
I disagree. Scarcity is relevant. I wouldn't give a shit about your apple if another apple grew instantly every time you picked one. I think I might start to go in circles here so I'll draw my conclusion for now. Maybe if something else comes up I'll respond.
My goal was to show that copyright-infringement is not theft. It's just that, copyright-infringement. My goal was also to show that copyright is not natural, it's an artificial creation of state force. Copyright creates artificial scarcity.
What is copyright to me? The accepted reasoning for copyright is that if we (the people, so it's an agreement between the rest of us and the creator) give content creators limited-time monopoly privileges, they would be more likely to create. You could also argue that copyright is used as censorship and control (like trying to control what version of the bible was printed when the printing press was made) but I'll stick with the accepted reasoning.
The original length of copyright before a work went into public domain was 14 years during a time when it was much harder to distribute works. So I'd think the copyright length would decrease when the process of distribution became easier, right? Wrong. What is it now, the author's life +70 years? Thanks to Disney? Orcish makes a good point when he says "So since the content industry has in their possession what should be nearly the entire US public domain they are thieves? I'm okay with that. Seriously, how does anyone get off defending people stealing a whole bank while castigating the dude stealing a candy bar? I don't fucking get it."
Copyright-infringement isn't theft, and yet you could be fined up into the millions of dollars for infringement. This is just fucking ridiculous. Now let's say people start getting letters in the mail saying to pay $1,200 USD for alleged copyright infringement or else, well, have you heard of
Jammie Thomas? Now the people are outraged about this. Allowing extortion is NOT why they made a copyright agreement. Since they made the agreement, and the content industry is abusing it, the people have every right to say we're not allowing you to do this anymore, bunch of thugs. They want us to pay just for even looking at their damn content. What's more, I won't even be able to use any of the content I see within my lifetime.
Now I start to doubt if copyright even accomplishes its accepted goal. I look at the apparel industry. There's no copyright in that industry, and yet I have regular, everyday Joe Shmoe friends who don't make a whole lot of money that go buy $100 jeans (in USD) and $60 t-shirts when they could buy $20 jeans that are just as good. I've found some jeans that are utter crap, but yes I have found $20 jeans that last. There are all kinds of variety of clothes to buy here in the U.S. It is not lacking creativity.
Let's quit calling copyright-infringement "pirating" and "stealing" and call it what it is; copying and sharing using your own resources, no one else's.