keeveek: I agree with both of you, sirs. Legal system is flawed when it comes to defending against huge law corporations.
And don't get me wrong
crazy_dave. When I say judge offers legal advice it usually means that he will tell the party "you may file a petition to free you from legal expenses even if you lose, if you...." , etc etc.
not legal counseling. (what kind of evidence to use, how to defend yourself)
In civil courts trials are mostly adversarial (is this correct word?), but there are some legal provisions which slightly help weaker party.
Ah I see. :)
I'm not sure about the wording, but if what you mean by that is that theoretically both sides are considered to be on equal footing such that there is no "beyond all reasonable doubt" when siding with the accuser or the defendant, then yes that is true for civil cases. One side simply needs to make a more compelling case than the other in a civil case.
However there are differences between common law and civil law systems when it comes to whether certain acts are tort (civil court) or crime (criminal court). I've no idea how they apply to piracy, but ironically if they were treated as a crime where one had to prove beyond reasonable doubt that someone pirated, it might actually protect consumers since one would have to actually prove they did it. I dunno. I don't have a law degree so I'm sure there are subtleties here beyond my ken. So maybe not. :)