*ignores arguments and goes straight off topic*
Has anyone actually ever received
any useful technical support from any company about any pc game? Thinking back over 20 years of pc games, I can't remember it ever happening.
Generally the technical support guys have a lot less options and data available than the community, and it almost always seems faster to google or ask the community than to ask technical support.
I've never worked in software tech support, but I always assumed it followed the same principles as the
standard XKCD flowchart for how to solve your parent's tech problems.
Tech support guys aren't going to have many more resources available to them than google and experience. Are they?
Unless someone before you has had the exact same problem - but if that's the case, it'll probably be on the forum already.
That said. This has finally shown me the usefulness of those (previously considered annoying and pointless) automated tech support emails that show you that at least your message has been received.
IMHO gog needs those (including a list of common fixes and links), plus more tech support staff. (even though they'll just tell you to upgrade all drivers).