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I used to have some nice ones :,(

But that was me before I knew how to keep things unbroken and god-forbid-actually-stored-someplace-safe. Long story short, one by one the reaper came and took them to the Great Collector in the sky. May they forever fetch a high price on ebay.

Right now I have about ten boxes or such, nothing really relevant. It's mostly second hand anyway.

Some time ago I got a tip that someone was selling a huge collection here in Slovenia. Now let me tell you, that's not really probable, unless this special person had some business concerning games. After a bit of digging around, I found out that his business partner had a store where he sold various things from abroad (this was in the 90's, when the transition from Yugoslavia was still fresh), and they went out of business somewhere close to the new millennium. His storehouse (a garage, basically) was still filled with merchandise, packaged and sealed. A real life treasure trove for a collector. I quickly made contact with this person (2006-ish) and he told me that yeah, most of the collection was still there, and that most games were still in packaging 10-20 units big 8D. in the end, I came too late. A few well connected people got wind of this faster than me, and took basically anything that was worth more than a cent. What was left was either worn out or insignificant. Fate be a cruel mistress, arrrr.
Titanium: Some time ago I got a tip that someone was selling a huge collection here in Slovenia. Now let me tell you, that's not really probable, unless this special person had some business concerning games. After a bit of digging around, I found out that his business partner had a store where he sold various things from abroad (this was in the 90's, when the transition from Yugoslavia was still fresh), and they went out of business somewhere close to the new millennium. His storehouse (a garage, basically) was still filled with merchandise, packaged and sealed. A real life treasure trove for a collector. I quickly made contact with this person (2006-ish) and he told me that yeah, most of the collection was still there, and that most games were still in packaging 10-20 units big 8D. in the end, I came too late. A few well connected people got wind of this faster than me, and took basically anything that was worth more than a cent. What was left was either worn out or insignificant. Fate be a cruel mistress, arrrr.
How much did a piece go for, roughly?
Can7ona: I Still Collect and trade these Big Boxed Games on ebay.
Will be lsiting another 60 Later this evening for you collectors out there.

check it out.

Love Big Boxed with Huge manuals. was much better.
lowyhong: What's up mate! It's me, yezdigerd :D. You know, your games were in one of the last few shipments to arrive. After that insane shopping spree I went on in May/June, I could barely find anymore space to stash the stuff. Hope all's well with you, my friend :)

(there's actually more, just that I haven't taken pictures of them because they're in separate places. I had to stuff some into my wardrobe, and others into my brother's wardrobe)
Bringing a tear to my eye seeing someoff my old games somewhere else after having so many good years with them!! Please Look after them :)
lowyhong: What are you willing to pay for it? I'll let you know if I come across a copy on eBay. See my "Online shopping junkies" thread, and you'll know how much time I spend on eBay. Screw window shopping. Buying apparel and stuff online is the way to go =D

Yeah this. There's just something really intriguing about collecting them big boxes, and storing them. Collector's syndrome I guess. Some people like stamps, some like comics. For people like you and I, it's games, especially those that come in the big boxes. I nearly lost a few in my last house move (The Longest Journey and Operation Flashpoint got a bit dented), and it made me quite annoyed.

Btw, check this out if you need to get something repaired:

The guy charges extortionist prices though.
I spend quite a bit on e-bay myself looking for copies, it's just that there is a limit to what I will pay, there are some people that are sharks simply trying to find a sucker for their price. A good example is The Neverhood, you don't see a lot of copies around and yes it was a cool game, but there is just NO way I will pay $99.00 for it, it's just not worth that......... well to me anyway. That's the weird thing about collecting, it depends how much you want something I guess.
I have about 10 or 12 games still in the big boxes. Most of the games I keep just the CD and manual. I have a large box at my parents house full of old games.
jpinsa: I am actually still looking for a boxed Grim Fandango which sadly I had and can't remember what happened to it. It seems to have become a bit of a collectors item though and is going for prices higher than what I am willing to pay. I actually have 2 original copies n standard DVD cases, but would like a boxed version.
I just sold one yesterday for 30quid big box original but if it helps i also have one incomplete, all thats missing is the CD's, has big box, insert, manual, cd case, just no game disk's.
Titanium: Some time ago I got a tip that someone was selling a huge collection here in Slovenia. Now let me tell you, that's not really probable, unless this special person had some business concerning games. After a bit of digging around, I found out that his business partner had a store where he sold various things from abroad (this was in the 90's, when the transition from Yugoslavia was still fresh), and they went out of business somewhere close to the new millennium. His storehouse (a garage, basically) was still filled with merchandise, packaged and sealed. A real life treasure trove for a collector. I quickly made contact with this person (2006-ish) and he told me that yeah, most of the collection was still there, and that most games were still in packaging 10-20 units big 8D. in the end, I came too late. A few well connected people got wind of this faster than me, and took basically anything that was worth more than a cent. What was left was either worn out or insignificant. Fate be a cruel mistress, arrrr.
lowyhong: How much did a piece go for, roughly?
I think the beforehand agreed sum was €2 per game (in our former currency, I believe), but he said that he just wants to get rid of all this stuff, and that he won't really make an effort if I try to bargain. The more I haul, the more discount I'd get.

He genuinely thought all the e.g. mint conditioned Grim Fandangos were worthless. :)
jpinsa: I spend quite a bit on e-bay myself looking for copies, it's just that there is a limit to what I will pay, there are some people that are sharks simply trying to find a sucker for their price. A good example is The Neverhood, you don't see a lot of copies around and yes it was a cool game, but there is just NO way I will pay $99.00 for it, it's just not worth that......... well to me anyway. That's the weird thing about collecting, it depends how much you want something I guess.
Yeah definitely. I love System Shock 2 (played it about 4 times), but there's no way I'll pay more than $40 for it. For that matter, I paid $25 for a mint copy of System Shock 1. Got lucky there.

(btw I edited the quoted post, if you missed it)
Titanium: €2 per game
Post edited September 25, 2011 by lowyhong
jpinsa: I am actually still looking for a boxed Grim Fandango which sadly I had and can't remember what happened to it. It seems to have become a bit of a collectors item though and is going for prices higher than what I am willing to pay. I actually have 2 original copies n standard DVD cases, but would like a boxed version.
Can7ona: I just sold one yesterday for 30quid big box original but if it helps i also have one incomplete, all thats missing is the CD's, has big box, insert, manual, cd case, just no game disk's.
Is it the cardboard fold open cd case, I may be interested at the right price as I have 2 copies in DVD cases and will just use those discs?
Can7ona: I just sold one yesterday for 30quid big box original but if it helps i also have one incomplete, all thats missing is the CD's, has big box, insert, manual, cd case, just no game disk's.
jpinsa: Is it the cardboard fold open cd case, I may be interested at the right price as I have 2 copies in DVD cases and will just use those discs?
Yeah, its basically the Original minus disks.
Hey Mate, Good to see you on here, im good thx, yourself? how many would you say you have in your collection?
Can7ona: I Still Collect and trade these Big Boxed Games on ebay.
Will be lsiting another 60 Later this evening for you collectors out there.

check it out.

Love Big Boxed with Huge manuals. was much better.
lowyhong: What's up mate! It's me, yezdigerd :D. You know, your games were in one of the last few shipments to arrive. After that insane shopping spree I went on in May/June, I could barely find anymore space to stash the stuff. Hope all's well with you, my friend :)

(there's actually more, just that I haven't taken pictures of them because they're in separate places. I had to stuff some into my wardrobe, and others into my brother's wardrobe)
Post edited September 25, 2011 by Can7ona
jpinsa: I am actually still looking for a boxed Grim Fandango which sadly I had and can't remember what happened to it. It seems to have become a bit of a collectors item though and is going for prices higher than what I am willing to pay. I actually have 2 original copies n standard DVD cases, but would like a boxed version.
Can7ona: I just sold one yesterday for 30quid big box original but if it helps i also have one incomplete, all thats missing is the CD's, has big box, insert, manual, cd case, just no game disk's.
Hey There, just private messaged you, let me know thanks.
lowyhong: How much did a piece go for, roughly?
Titanium: I think the beforehand agreed sum was €2 per game (in our former currency, I believe), but he said that he just wants to get rid of all this stuff, and that he won't really make an effort if I try to bargain. The more I haul, the more discount I'd get.

He genuinely thought all the e.g. mint conditioned Grim Fandangos were worthless. :)
Sometimes with these situations you win and sometimes you lose, I'm sure you were as mad as a hatter that those guys beat you to it.
Post edited September 25, 2011 by jpinsa
jpinsa: Sometimes with these situations you win and sometimes you lose, I'm sure you were as mad as a hatter that those guys beat you to it.
Nah, not really. At the end of the day, they're just things. Nice things, precious things, but things nonetheless. I've made a promise to myself that I'd never be cross over loosing (or "loosing", in this case) something that is just a... thing.
jpinsa: Sometimes with these situations you win and sometimes you lose, I'm sure you were as mad as a hatter that those guys beat you to it.
Titanium: Nah, not really. At the end of the day, they're just things. Nice things, precious things, but things nonetheless. I've made a promise to myself that I'd never be cross over loosing (or "loosing", in this case) something that is just a... thing.
Yeah, that's the best attitude to have, they are just things, and that way you feel content. I've always said the greatest part of any collection is that it's not complete, and that's what makes it feel special, I think if you ever get to the point where you have everything, you will not value it anymore.
jpinsa: I also got rid of some of mine 10 years ago and then I started collecting them again, go figure. I guess for me the digital download format started becoming boring and I wanted to find the originals with manuals flyers etc, suppose it's the collector in me. Now I have this kinda time capsule, it's pretty cool sorta opening the box popping the cd into a win98 box, brings back a lot of good memories.
hedwards: It's cool to have them, but I don't really have much space and I got rid of them before I knew that there was a market for boxes and packaging.
There is? How lucrative of a market is it? Is the offering price for it going up or has it stabilized?

I have over 50 old game boxes and I couldn't throw them out due to obsessive compulsiveness as I couldn't convince myself to throw these beautiful boxes to the waste where they'd be sullied and torn apart.

Needless to say I'm extremely grateful for the digital game market. You guys are saved me from making the heart wrenching decision between throwing these lovely boxes to the curb or living in an unlivable home (in my defense, I would ultimately have gone with getting rid of them). Well, in all fairness, boxes are small now and back as CD-casings, but they still take extra space which would have accumulated over the decades.

Thank you. Wish you'd have come sooner though. My wardrobe is full of old game boxes that date all the way back to my early teens (btw, my 30th was Saturday, happy birthday to me).
Post edited September 25, 2011 by Magnitus
You can score big if you search ebay for video games bundles. I picked up daggerfall (before it was free ware) in a bundle for $15USD and the game was selling for $30USD, I also got dungeon keeper two and 10 other games. I bet you can find box items too
Post edited September 25, 2011 by Barnell