Posted September 25, 2011
I used to have some nice ones :,(
But that was me before I knew how to keep things unbroken and god-forbid-actually-stored-someplace-safe. Long story short, one by one the reaper came and took them to the Great Collector in the sky. May they forever fetch a high price on ebay.
Right now I have about ten boxes or such, nothing really relevant. It's mostly second hand anyway.
Some time ago I got a tip that someone was selling a huge collection here in Slovenia. Now let me tell you, that's not really probable, unless this special person had some business concerning games. After a bit of digging around, I found out that his business partner had a store where he sold various things from abroad (this was in the 90's, when the transition from Yugoslavia was still fresh), and they went out of business somewhere close to the new millennium. His storehouse (a garage, basically) was still filled with merchandise, packaged and sealed. A real life treasure trove for a collector. I quickly made contact with this person (2006-ish) and he told me that yeah, most of the collection was still there, and that most games were still in packaging 10-20 units big 8D. in the end, I came too late. A few well connected people got wind of this faster than me, and took basically anything that was worth more than a cent. What was left was either worn out or insignificant. Fate be a cruel mistress, arrrr.
But that was me before I knew how to keep things unbroken and god-forbid-actually-stored-someplace-safe. Long story short, one by one the reaper came and took them to the Great Collector in the sky. May they forever fetch a high price on ebay.
Right now I have about ten boxes or such, nothing really relevant. It's mostly second hand anyway.
Some time ago I got a tip that someone was selling a huge collection here in Slovenia. Now let me tell you, that's not really probable, unless this special person had some business concerning games. After a bit of digging around, I found out that his business partner had a store where he sold various things from abroad (this was in the 90's, when the transition from Yugoslavia was still fresh), and they went out of business somewhere close to the new millennium. His storehouse (a garage, basically) was still filled with merchandise, packaged and sealed. A real life treasure trove for a collector. I quickly made contact with this person (2006-ish) and he told me that yeah, most of the collection was still there, and that most games were still in packaging 10-20 units big 8D. in the end, I came too late. A few well connected people got wind of this faster than me, and took basically anything that was worth more than a cent. What was left was either worn out or insignificant. Fate be a cruel mistress, arrrr.