Momo1991: In for Chezybezy ;-)
My most favorite snow stories always involve dogs.
When I was young we had a Siberian Husky who was part wolf - she was amazing ;-) We used to hook up a sled to her harness and she'd madly pull us around the yard like a total maniac. It was the absolute best fun ever ;-)
Later in life, I had a Flat-coated Retriever...the first time she ever saw snow it was a major blizzard that left almost a foot of snow on the ground but that did not deter her from finding her favorite yard toy - a mangled ball buried under all that snow!
Even later in life I had a Brown Dog - I used to love watching her fling her fat body in the air as she hopped/flung herself through deep drifts of snow...
I wish dogs lived longer lives :-( amen to that! maybe its due to the amount of energy and the level of happiness they put into their lives! each touches and changes us for the better and that is the biggest gift ever! (sorry slightly groggy ramble but its a positive thing :) )
awh you shouldnt im not worth it, but mega thanks though :).
that reminds me i have some snow dog stories too well share over a beer! (dont want to put them in here - maybe i will when its closed :) )
e: to those who havent seen / felt snow - im sorry it truly is a wonderful element of weather with perks and disadvantages.