stoicsentry: Oh my, Europeans sure do love their taxes! Heheh. What is a Church tax? You mean a tithe? Or does the government actually force you to pay for Churches? :confused:
Just realised that I've been mildly ninja'd by SimonG there.
Anyway, most Europeans don't really have a problem with higher taxes, just as long as those taxes are well-spent. I'd personally have my taxes go towards funding more effective emergency services, reasonable welfare programs, decent civil services and so on, because honestly, you never know when you're going to need them.
I've heard people whinge and complain here in Germany about high taxes and how they're effectively financing the bottom-feeders in this country, and if I'm honest, the government doesn't really do enough against them, but the fact of the matter is that it is this system that helps the honest ones get back on their feet. Getting back on your feet in the United States is a very hard prospect indeed unless you have certain entreprenieurial capacities.
I pay a five-figure sum in income tax each year and you know what? I don't care. I've been on unemployment benefit, I've been on Hartz IV, and I am where I am now because the state uses those taxes to help people like me get back on their feet and earning again.