keeveek: Fred, lol. I have phone from private company, I travel with private company buses, and have electricity provided by private company in 2,000 people village since 1995. Damn capitalists, are opressing me!
Those private companies likely receive tons of public subsidies and most certainly operate on public right of way. What, did you think you could really have roads or utility cables running all over with a bunch of people all enforcing "their" right to their property? Did you want to pay a toll to your neighbor because your shit flows through pipes on his property and your other neighbor because the only water comes from that direction? Did you think your upstream neighbor would quit dumping toxic waste upstream of you just because you asked nicely? How quaint.
SimonG: Most tax money goes to social benefits (unemployment, medical care, pension etc.)
And I consider this a good thing, because in my believes a society should be judged on how they treat their weakest. Heck, I'm still in church as a die hard atheist because my church tax goes mostly towards social institutions.
This is actually true with a lot of our taxes in the US as well, but most people will fight to let anyone over 50 "fend for themselves" the fact that this would mean a 30 year drop in average life expectancy doesn't cross their mind.
keeveek: My presence here is done, I smell flame war here :P
Ironic, since you instigated it with such well thought out debating points as calling anyone of the opposing viewpoint "slaves" and other scintillating stuff like that.
KingofGnG: Dear Amerikans morons, err, politicians (same thing anyway): the Internet IS NOT YOUR FUCKING PROPRIETY, so go fuck yourselves with a giant pole and leave it alone....
Dear KingofGnG, we fucking invented it and the parts of it which we have donated, graciously to the world and now out of our control (which we easily could have fucking kept) is a symbol of what we aspire to as Americans. We're glad to share the internet with the world, but don't be a fucking dick, k?
xXShaddowTXx: Are you saying you agree with our previous president's (George Bush) actions?
SimonG: I was referring to some guy called Lyndon B.. Johnson. Maybe you have heard of him?
If he was educated in the US school system, probably not. They literally never get past WW2 in history class our school years are so short.