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Iraq is obviously on Bush's arms. He is one of the worst US presidents ever. But Obama is not much better. He looks better only in comparison. And US citizens already know that, since democrats lost additional/complementary (???) election to congress. (thank to Tea Party mostly)

PS. If Obama really tried to close Guantanamo Bay, it would be closed now, really. In politics you either do or you don't , there's no "trying".

Polish prime minister "tried" to cut down the taxes, but all he's done was raising them.
Post edited February 08, 2012 by keeveek
keeveek: Iraq is obviously on Bush's arms. He is one of the worst US presidents ever. But Obama is not much better. He looks better only in comparison. And US citizens already know that, since democrats lost additional/complementary (???) election to congress. (thank to Tea Party mostly)

PS. If Obama really tried to close Guantanamo Bay, it would be closed now, really.
Would it kill you to hit the reply button once in a while ;-P?

People are disgrountled with Obama mostly because of the economic downtimes (which, while not the mistake of Bush, happend during his presidency). Obama actually did a pretty good job during those times (just look at Motor City). He got a lot of flak for some decisions he made during that time (the bank and car industry bailouts). But the banks have repaid the money (with interest) and the car industry is looking better than for a long time. His two biggest "Fuckups" (not counting Guantanamo, because that was "inheritet") are in my opninion Solyndra and "Fast and Furious".

His biggest political mistake was trying to go the "bipartisan approach". He always tried to bring the GOP into the boat even when he had "filibuster save majority" in the congress. He should have just said "fuck you, I'm the boss now".

If nothing big happens he is going to win the next election. The US is slowly but steady recovering and Romney doesn't have enough pull with the Grant Old Party to actually make it. Apart from that, Obama will tear him to shreds once they hit the debates and he is an easy target for attack ads.
I don't hit reply button if I reply to previous post, sorry :P

You made a great post. I agree mostly with all of it. But I think Obama will win only because Republicans don't have anybody good enough to compete. (well, there's Ron Paul, but he's too liberal, even for mainstream, haha)

I don't know much about Us democracy, mostly because I don't like it. I don't like the fact the candidats make most votes by showing themselves in public eating burgers with kids, not by doing political work.

This bullshit leaks to Poland too. Our prime minister's party was re-elected mostly because they talk bullshit with smile and happy faces, and the opposing party is not "likable".

People vote basing on appearances and PR more than actual political work, and that saddeness me.

It would be nice to see some liberal / libertarian party ruling for some time, (to really see what's better) though.
Republicans and Democrats are the SAME. Anyway.

"Lebanese security officials seize suspicious cargo from US, Brazil"

By the way the "democracy" you guys define for the US now that is't democracy. That's fascism and corporate abuse of the Constitution. And NO nObama is not going to close Guantanamo Bay because it's going to be used to house Americans who resist the police state he and his puppeteers have planned for over 100 years. The rest will be sent ot of country. Unless you understand the NDAA you have no clue what's happening in the US.
Post edited February 08, 2012 by u2jedi
u2jedi: Republicans and Democrats are the SAME. Anyway.

"Lebanese security officials seize suspicious cargo from US, Brazil"

By the way the "democracy" you guys define for the US now that is't democracy. That's fascism and corporate abuse of the Constitution. And NO nObama is not going to close Guantanamo Bay because it's going to be used to house Americans who resist the police state he and his puppeteers have planned for over 100 years. The rest will be sent ot of country. Unless you understand the NDAA you have no clue what's happening in the US.
At least tell me you are wearing a tinfoil head, I want my stereotypes confirmed...
Tinfoil is for use in food peparation. Your statement is asinine. Please go to nearest library for a better comeback. government slave.
keeveek: Fred, lol. I have phone from private company, I travel with private company buses, and have electricity provided by private company in 2,000 people village since 1995. Damn capitalists, are opressing me!
Don't private company buses and electric companies get tax cuts and other crap like that for government?
i am pretty sure i read something like that once or twice.
UK, you can be proud


Mightily neighborly of you

America left IRAQ?

FBI Anti-Terrorist Program

Eyes In the Sky

Why we fight

Why most people are (your enslavement)

So STUFF all your tinfoil hats arguments. Try refuting the above current events.
Post edited February 08, 2012 by u2jedi
keeveek: Fred, lol. I have phone from private company, I travel with private company buses, and have electricity provided by private company in 2,000 people village since 1995. Damn capitalists, are opressing me!
Those private companies likely receive tons of public subsidies and most certainly operate on public right of way. What, did you think you could really have roads or utility cables running all over with a bunch of people all enforcing "their" right to their property? Did you want to pay a toll to your neighbor because your shit flows through pipes on his property and your other neighbor because the only water comes from that direction? Did you think your upstream neighbor would quit dumping toxic waste upstream of you just because you asked nicely? How quaint.
SimonG: Most tax money goes to social benefits (unemployment, medical care, pension etc.)

And I consider this a good thing, because in my believes a society should be judged on how they treat their weakest. Heck, I'm still in church as a die hard atheist because my church tax goes mostly towards social institutions.
This is actually true with a lot of our taxes in the US as well, but most people will fight to let anyone over 50 "fend for themselves" the fact that this would mean a 30 year drop in average life expectancy doesn't cross their mind.
keeveek: My presence here is done, I smell flame war here :P
Ironic, since you instigated it with such well thought out debating points as calling anyone of the opposing viewpoint "slaves" and other scintillating stuff like that.
KingofGnG: Dear Amerikans morons, err, politicians (same thing anyway): the Internet IS NOT YOUR FUCKING PROPRIETY, so go fuck yourselves with a giant pole and leave it alone....
Dear KingofGnG, we fucking invented it and the parts of it which we have donated, graciously to the world and now out of our control (which we easily could have fucking kept) is a symbol of what we aspire to as Americans. We're glad to share the internet with the world, but don't be a fucking dick, k?
xXShaddowTXx: Are you saying you agree with our previous president's (George Bush) actions?

SimonG: I was referring to some guy called Lyndon B.. Johnson. Maybe you have heard of him?
If he was educated in the US school system, probably not. They literally never get past WW2 in history class our school years are so short.
Post edited February 08, 2012 by orcishgamer
Daimones: but a couple of years ago, there was a rash of stories about how the "poor" woman who lived on welfare, had six kids (and no I am not exaggerating) could afford gold jewelry, a television for every room including the kitchen in the apartment all paid for within the past two years, and numerous other items that would be considered 'luxury' goods, afforded this on her welfare check
Ah the mythical welfare queen. Go ahead and check your facts, the only welfare queens that ever existed were committing fraud by making up 22 kids that never existed. Even by making up 22 kids she barely received lower middle class income. The story you remember, if you dig into the sources, is guaranteed to be riddle with bullshit and lies.

Btw, you can buy gold jewelry for 40 bucks at Claires in the mall. Used television sets go for peanuts, even new I bought a 27 inch television for under 70 USD back in 2001 or so. I love how someone affording an XBox or some other cheap, consumer good is suddenly a sign that welfare must be paying too much.
keeveek: PS. If Obama really tried to close Guantanamo Bay, it would be closed now, really. In politics you either do or you don't , there's no "trying".
You realize the republicans passed a bill disallowing any expenditure of federal monies in an effort to close Guantanamo, right? It'd be kind of hard to close a prison without being able to pay the soldiers to go around and unlock the doors, don't you think?

I hate Obama, but for sane reasons, you might want to check into real reasons he might not be the best president instead of made up stuff that it sounds like you got off a Fox News affiliate.
keeveek: And US citizens already know that, since democrats lost additional/complementary (???) election to congress. (thank to Tea Party mostly)
Losing congress to the opposite party in midterm elections is pretty normal in US politics. No one "knows" anything, they'll vote the same way this time that they have the last umteen times they've voted.
Post edited February 09, 2012 by orcishgamer
u2jedi: Tinfoil is for use in food peparation. Your statement is asinine. Please go to nearest library for a better comeback. government slave.
AHAHAHA! You are either a rather amusing troll, or you're possibly the dumbest, most paranoid mouth breathing jackass on the planet.
u2jedi: So STUFF all your tinfoil hats arguments. Try refuting the above current events.
Last time somebody refuted what you said, your rebuttal was "so you're a lawyer. whoopdie doo. Lawyers are scum" .

Such a lazy and weak reply indicates to me that you really aren't worth having a serious discussion with
Post edited February 09, 2012 by CaptainGyro
@CaptainGyroscoop and CrapMatter

Too lazy to read through all the links posted. And yes lawyers are scum, deal with it jackasses.

Gyroscoop you're a disgrace to the term "American". Enjoy your pen, cow.
CrapMatter, you should have signed against bill C-11. Just another dumb canuck, enjoy your pen as well.

Any more cows want to justify their ignorance?
Post edited February 09, 2012 by u2jedi
u2jedi: @CaptainGyroscoop and CrapMatter

Too lazy to read through all the links posted. And yes lawyers are scum, deal with it jackasses.

Gyroscoop you're a disgrace to the term "American". Enjoy your pen, cow.
CrapMatter, you should have signed against bill C-11. Just another dumb canuck, enjoy your pen as well.

Any more cows want to justify their ignorance?
thanks for proving my point.
Certain people in this thread have as much understanding of the political situation in the United States as I have of the political situation of Poland.