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Chihaya: Once again, crap deals compared to what's frequently available on Steam, I got both games from there for like 3$. Sorry.

This is a permanent price drop and not really a deal.
But generally, I agree with you.
I bought them!
Steam is also good, but i always prefer :)
I'll be sure to pick up Exoddus some day (already bought Oddysee, though I haven't played it much), but for now I'll save my cash and simply congratulate you for having the publisher agree on the lower price point.
Oh man! I bought this on Steam [ :( ], I have to buy this on again. Nevermind, awesome game, I have Exoddus on an old copied CD:) I love these games.
Post edited August 16, 2010 by LazerHUN
MIK0: Good. Now the only thing that GoG need to be even with the Oddworld serie on steam is to add multilanguage support which I don't understand the lack of. Steam has the game downloadable in at least 5 languages.
lackoo1111: there are no unofficial italian translation of the games ?

The game came out even in italian and steam has that. That's why I ask why only english here, I think the publisher would make the same deal with GoG.
This is great news but I think I will hang out until GOG's anniversary comes around and see what they are offering then. If they are offering both Oddworld games for under $10 then I'll definitely be getting them.
Chihaya: Once again, crap deals compared to what's frequently available on Steam, I got both games from there for like 3$. Sorry.

Yeah, because Steam's incredibly fair DRM policy is really worth saving a few bucks. I will gladly pay the price of a hamburger to get superior quality games, thank you.
Post edited August 16, 2010 by MarkDarkness
waiting for the complete set of all Oddworld games to be released before just buying a couple
Sweet frickin awesomeness. :D Gonna get these some time now.
cogadh: Nice, GOG undercuts the Steam price!
Except the Steam "Oddworld Pack" deal is still a better price, though not a better value, since it doesn't include all the extras GOG has.

I really wish GOG would start implementing packs.
People keep forgetting you get what you pay for. You'll figure it out eventually. :P
Great prices. Kudos.
TJF588: Ah, but I DO have an excuse: The Oddbox!

ohhhh man, YES
cant wait.
for anyone who doesnt know:
What about "The Oddbox", GOG? huh? Get the other 2 remaining games, for your loyal customers here. I would buy the 4 games here, then. ;)
On topic: price drops are always welcome. I felt these two were overpriced, being $20 for the two games.
Post edited August 17, 2010 by taczillabr
"Using explosive farts to survive adventures"!? Hmmmm...... Sounds like one of my husband's strategies to clear a room to get control of the remote. : }
Seriously, I would like to ask former players.... is it possible to get past the sheer 'ugliness' of the characters and landscape environment? In looking online (YouTube), the characters are just plain butt ugly and the environment appears to be all bleak and creepy. Not sure I could warm up to this one.
Don't get me wrong, I have loved many a game with rather dismal environments and not so great characters, ie. in Duke Nukem, Sam, Unreal, Doom, and on and on, etc etc, yet at least one could relate somehow on some level. These are all creaturey types!?
Input appreciated b4 I decide on this one. Thanks.
Post edited August 17, 2010 by Dawn
Great price for some great games. I still have my original release cds :).
Also about the Oddbox. There has been no confirmed release and as far as I can tell it is probably delayed till the end of the year or till next year. If they ever do release it. I hope they do a windows version since I never got to play the last two games since they never did release ANY PC versions thanks to that exclusive deal with Microsoft and its XBOX system. Sigh...
Btw, remember in the booklet for the CD of Abe's Oddysee that they intended to release a Quintology in the universe of Oddworld. (Too bad that never happened :( ) We only got 1 game and its "expansion" story. Then we got the second game on the XBOX (which I think they shot themselves in the foot for doing) and then it sorta petered out.
Post edited August 17, 2010 by phoenixclaws