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Christ on a crutch. My bank account is about to explode...Not quite as good, IMO, as C&C/Covert Ops, but definitely deserves to be here. Instabuy, too ^_^
I'm agog over GOG. This is a stunning release at a perfect price point.
I already have the Commander Pack on disc, plus the strategy guide, otherwise I'd grab this in an instant. Who knows, I may eventually rebuy this so I don't have to walk all the way over to my shelf to get the discs...!
For those of you that don't know, check out to see how many mods and total conversions are *still* being done for this amazing game. Replace the AI, add new units, and change the whole balance of the game (you can get some seriously INTENSE games when you halve the build cost, quadruple build speed and enable resurrection of units...!)
Hurry up Thursday pay day is all I can say.
I do think I've still got a working CD version of TA and BT, but never could find The Core Contingency anywhere.
Good thing I'm still gainfully employed.
Thanks guys - I was expecting TA from GOG. I still have my old saves!
Probably THE RTS that got me into the genre. I actually got the Commanders Pack for Christmass (or was the birthday?) back in '98-'99; it came with a full strategy guide that finally got me primed on how an RTS should be played. After that, I was hooked. This is a definite instabuy for me, even though I already have the retail release and the Impulse version. TA and GOG for the win! Many, many thanks, yet again! :D
Upped a picture. Because I'm a geek. And because I could. Good times, good times.
dscn0725.jpg (397 Kb)
Post edited August 17, 2010 by Skystrider
Great release. Its IMHO kinda sad that most RTS still are stuck imitating Command&Conquer.. or even artificially cripple themself so "pro players" trained with old games have an edge (limited zoom in SC2?).
I have a retail version of Total Annihilation, but none of the add-ons. It's a nice surprise and a great game. Thanks GOG!
Love this game, and this is a worthwhile GOG release, but I get a headache after playing it for 30 minutes or so. :(
Ois: Hurry up Thursday pay day is all I can say.
I do think I've still got a working CD version of TA and BT, but never could find The Core Contingency anywhere.

Just remember kids, Krogoth is your friend. If you are playing ARM, it is best to find that Krogoth gantry ASAP. It is also handy to capture an enemy's construction unit with an air transport unit. Just make sure to turn off fire at will. It is also nice to cap your enemy's commander with those air transports. That way you can show him how little chance he actually had.
Does anyone know where to get the General's Barracks Mod? It added a 3rd group. Giant super commander that spawned little commanders (don't think the little ones had the D-GUN and exploded so violently, but it's been a while) Don't know if it was ever finished, and I can't seem to find it anymore (seems to have been taken down).
Post edited August 17, 2010 by thewishingwell
thewishingwell: K5VD-435E-HET8-MOHZ

Great, missed. Again.
thewishingwell: K5VD-435E-HET8-MOHZ

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Tantrix: Great, missed. Again.

So it's taken already? I was hoping Aliasalpha would get it (so he can grab TA before he can afford it), but he's not online right now, thus it can't be him.
But I see LordCinnamon is very happy about it, so it ended up at a worthy place anyway :-).
Post edited August 17, 2010 by DrIstvaan
thewishingwell: <code>

Woohoo! I got it! Damn it's exciting when you see the code and need to copy it and then open the damned gift page and wait for it to load and then paste the code and all this while trying to eat a tomato. The tomato eating failed; it's all over my clothes now. But I got the gift! And it's TA! So happy!
So what I'm trying to say is:
Thanks, Wishing Well!
EDIT: sorry for posting a bit late, had to clean up what was left of the tomato.
Post edited August 17, 2010 by LordCinnamon
Npl: Great release. Its IMHO kinda sad that most RTS still are stuck imitating Command&Conquer.. or even artificially cripple themself so "pro players" trained with old games have an edge (limited zoom in SC2?).

Agreed - the ability to assign all units produced from a certain factory as group 1, 2, 3, etc, very nice. Plus other units can aid in speeding construction. And the waypoint system was top-notch, allowing different functions to happen at different waypoints. Even factories could have waypoints (muster points).
Altho. when I played it back in the day, there was a hard limit of 512 units? Some of the maps req'd 64MB of RAM, too. About $300 back then. Plus, if you had the wrong MB, your system would run slow with 64 MB or greater. Ahh good old days.