Tantrix: Well said. The games don't deserve to be treated as devious good, those classics especially not. Piracy proved that too expensive games would reverse the opposite than supporting gog.
Also, if you want to support gog that desperately, SPREAD THE WORD!
The way they are treated and they way they are sold are two different things.;)
There are a lot of reasons for piracy, price is only one, mentality is the other, and a game being sh..ty is one of the countless other reasons.
GOGs games are worth more than 10 bucks, sure, but The GOG Effect is all about a good price for a good game. It's like never ending Christmas, and since GOG is still operating, and expanding, that means they do make a profit.;)
A higher price would put off many people, a lot of my friends are interested in GOG [mostly due to the appealing prices, even You need PayPal, or a credit card], i even managed to pull some of them to the site. I see this from the perspective of my country, where we don't get paid as well, and games are friggin' expensive, hardware too. GOG is great place to obtain some of the best games out there, and the price is just right.
[edit] Oh, my sympathies for the leg. I have osteoarthrosis or something like that, bending over has bad results. Remaining in one position too. Being an IT guy, it really sucks. [/edit]