Posted October 04, 2010
Yikes, people are awfully hostile. I like the idea of the service for 2 reasons 1) it helps those without a strong computer and 2) the ability to 'rent' games for a few days for cheap appeals to me. For many games, 3-5 days is plenty of time to complete them. Many of these games I would normally not buy, so I save my money for things that will last awhile, or are absolutely top-notch games. However, games like the Kane and Lynch or Splinter Cell: Conviction, which I wouldn't pay to own, are suddenly attractive options for just 6 or 9 bucks. To me, that opens up gaming experiences I normally wouldn't have.
Now, I'll stop short of defending the site completely, since if I'm going own a game, I wouldn't feel comfortable getting it from OnLive, especially given its uncertain future at this moment. I don't really worry about something like Steam going bankrupt, but for now OnLive seems a little risky to invest in a full purchase.
Now, I'll stop short of defending the site completely, since if I'm going own a game, I wouldn't feel comfortable getting it from OnLive, especially given its uncertain future at this moment. I don't really worry about something like Steam going bankrupt, but for now OnLive seems a little risky to invest in a full purchase.