korell: I've often wondered how well (or poorly) Rage would run on my 4 year old machine. I do pass the
minimum system requirements, but only just. A lot of the high graphics settings would have to
be turned off, but I'm not sure if the graphics settings in Rage work like that (I heard that they
auto detect?).
I didn't get it on this occasion (but was tempted) as I have a significant backlog of games at the
moment anyway, and if it has been on 75% sale once then it will be again, and definitely before I
clear my existing backlog anyway. Still, would like to hear about how it runs on different
people's systems, maybe even see some screenshots of how it looks on them too.
For reference, my main system specs are:
Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 (3.16GHz)
XFX Nvidia GTX260 Black Edition
My monitor has native resolution of 1680x1050 (16:10).
It should be fine. Your rig is slightly better than my 5 year old machine, and Rage worked just fine.