HereForTheBeer: Nor does different equal bad.
I have a feeling you think I'm sort of criticizing you for the notion that you don't like it. I'm not. I'm saying that it's good to see them try new and interesting ideas. I, for one, can see at least one fun application for it even though it's not my cup o' tea. Now, this idea might turn into something very cool, mildly cool, mediocre, or an outright failure. Maybe it'll lead to something completely different. Who knows? At least they're trying, and that's a good thing regardless of what the current idea looks like.
Someone MIGHT modify this idea and run with it to make something worth buying, but this itself won't be it. IMO this will massively flop, unless the mainstream "buy everything that's new and shiny" crowd buys into it that is.
And again, trying is not always a good thing. ;)
Those with no engineering or electrical background could design a building and most likely make a complete mess that wasn't quite up to code. Yes it's good of them for trying but would you want to inhabit or do business in said building?