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Paranormal investigation with a retro soul.

Blackwell Bundle, four supernatural adventure games from publishers of Resonance in a DRM-free package, is available on for only $9.99 (that’s 33% off!) for the next week.

Blackwell is an indie series of retro-style point-and-click 2D adventures consisting of four games: The Blackwell Legacy, Blackwell Unbound, Blackwell Convergence, and Blackwell Deception. The game’s main character is Rosangela Blackwell, who discovers a family secreat after her only relative, her aunt Lauren Blackwell, dies. She’s a medium, and she finds an unlikely friend in the form of Joey Mallone, a sardonic ghost from 1930s. From now on it’s Rosa’s and her new spirit guide’s job to investigate supernatural cases in NYC and set the troubled spirits to rest.

Blackwell Bundle offers everything a classic-adventure fan would ever want from a new release. The story is engaging, features plenty of drama, some bitter humor, and dialogues that will suck you in like a good ghost novel. The game requires you to to switch between Rosa and Joey to talk to different living or ghostly characters and solve puzzles which are both logical and challenging. Add some retro pixelated graphics, great voice acting, and an original score, and you’ll find the Blackwell Bundle to be a quality adventure series that is not only an easy recommendation for the fans of the genre, but also a good starting point for those who weren’t lucky enough to play some of the classic point-and-clicks from the Golden Age of adventure games 20 years ago.

Blackwell Bundle is available on with a 33% special release discount--for the next week you can get the game $5 off for just $9.99. This offer lasts until Tuesday, June 5 at 6:59 AM EDT.
Strange. I had a "coupon" for a 9.99$ game from The Witcher 2 (european fair-price package) that didn't work before on games higher than 9.99$ but sold at 9.99$ due to a promo. It worked on the Blackwell Bundle.

Anyway, I'll bet I will enjoy this... but I will have to pay for Resonance later. My backlog is hurting me. Lots of good games to play.
high rated
Hi everyone! Dave of Wadjet Eye here. So happy to see this on GoG, and the positive reaction to it.

Regarding bundles: In retrospect, calling the collection the "Blackwell Bundle" might have not been the best move. To be fair, I came up with the name before Bundle Fever took over the interwebs. This isn't a bundle in the Humble Bundle/Indie Royale sense. It's just what I call the collection of games! Will it be part of another bundle in the future? Most likely yes, although I don't know when. Due to its launch on GoG, I will hold off for awhile. There might be a small sale or promotion or something, but it won't be part of a bundle and it definitely won't include the bonus extras.

If you have any comments or questions about the games, definitely let me know!

Post edited May 29, 2012 by davelgil
GameRager: It has 3 playable characters but you mostly switch between them(Sometimes they're together and you can hand inventory from one to the other via menus & other times they're separated and you must use some plot device/item to send items between players. It is pretty fun, at any rate.
Kunovski: even exchanging inventory items??? :(( that exceeds my brain capabilities...
Well they sorta have to given that they are sometimes separated(And a combined inventory, while practical for the player, would make no sense given the plot/situations the characters find themselves in as you play.).
davelgil: Hi everyone! Dave of Wadjet Eye here. So happy to see this on GoG, and the positive reaction to it.

Regarding bundles: In retrospect, calling the collection the "Blackwell Bundle" might have not been the best move. To be fair, I came up with the name before Bundle Fever took over the interwebs. This isn't a bundle in the Humble Bundle/Indie Royale sense. It's just what I call the collection of games! Will it be part of another bundle in the future? Most likely yes, although I don't know when. Due to its launch on GoG, I will hold off for awhile. There might be a small sale or promotion or something, but it won't be part of a bundle and it definitely won't include the bonus extras.

If you have any comments or questions about the games, definitely let me know!

Bring your other games on GOG :)
davelgil: Hi everyone! Dave of Wadjet Eye here. So happy to see this on GoG, and the positive reaction to it.

Regarding bundles: In retrospect, calling the collection the "Blackwell Bundle" might have not been the best move. To be fair, I came up with the name before Bundle Fever took over the interwebs. This isn't a bundle in the Humble Bundle/Indie Royale sense. It's just what I call the collection of games! Will it be part of another bundle in the future? Most likely yes, although I don't know when. Due to its launch on GoG, I will hold off for awhile. There might be a small sale or promotion or something, but it won't be part of a bundle and it definitely won't include the bonus extras.

If you have any comments or questions about the games, definitely let me know!

thank you for bringing your games to gog.
At first a few seconds of hesitation because I spent a lot of money on games last 2 months, but bought. For this price, DRM Free and with soundtrack it's great deal I think.
Nice to see more games coming to GOG. Bundle sites are nice but having the games here makes them easier to keep track of, plus knowing the developer/publishers are getting a better amount of money for there hard work.
Wow, very very happy to see this on GOG. I've heard so much about the Blackwell games but just never got around to playing them.

This is a must buy for me before the sale is over. Damn you GOG. You're costing me a fortune with your amazing sales in the last week :)
GameRager: Supporting GOG and having all your games on one shelf is fine, I guess, but imo some of the indie titles on here are a bit too overpriced.....especially as several of them have been in bundles for alot less.

(I dunno if this is a good deal for all four games if one has never bought any of them yet. Anyone care to fill me in on this?)
wormholewizards: This bundle included four games, but they're all quite short. Maybe around 60 - 90 minutes for each one. It's like 4 episodes rather than 4 games if you take the gameplay hours into consideration.
i didn't count the time, but i'm pretty sure they were all at least a bit over 2 hours. and the fourth one is much bigger than the other three.
davelgil: Hi everyone! Dave of Wadjet Eye here. So happy to see this on GoG, and the positive reaction to it.

Regarding bundles: In retrospect, calling the collection the "Blackwell Bundle" might have not been the best move. To be fair, I came up with the name before Bundle Fever took over the interwebs. This isn't a bundle in the Humble Bundle/Indie Royale sense. It's just what I call the collection of games! Will it be part of another bundle in the future? Most likely yes, although I don't know when. Due to its launch on GoG, I will hold off for awhile. There might be a small sale or promotion or something, but it won't be part of a bundle and it definitely won't include the bonus extras.

If you have any comments or questions about the games, definitely let me know!

Insta-buy for me. Would love to see Gemini Rue here!
My two cents: whatever the price, excellent collection. Maybe the third one is a bit weaker (though it's the prettiest one), but the four of them make a very interesting tale. And Dave, now that you're reading, I can't wait for the next one :)
LOL, I finished The Shivah and Blackwell Legacy just yesterday :) Good games but maybe a little short (2-3 hours for Shivah and 4-5 hours for Legacy because I was sometimes stuck). I still have the 2 other Blackwell and Gemini Rue to do and I'm waiting anxiously for the release of Resonance. Wadjet Eye rules. ;)

TO GOG : As suggested before, you really should call the gamecard "Blackwell Quadrilogy" because even on Wadjet Eye's website, the "Blackwell Bundle" refers only to the first three episodes. Later (when the news won't be on the frontpage) people wiil think it includes only the 3 games. :(
I've been a fan of point-and-click adventure games since... well, the early 90's!
And just the last week, I discovered this series, and I've been thinking of getting at least one of this games, when.. BAM!, announces this! :D

This is an excellent collection, complete, DRM-Free, and with this price... this is just too good to be true, so I bought it the second I knew about this! (downloading now! :D)
Just finished The Shivah and Gemini Rue. Won't buy this right away, but nice to know it's here. :)
This is a great release and a great deal. After playing the first 3 games, which I got through the Indie Royale bundle, I was so hooked I immediately picked up Deception on Steam for $7.50.

What I really wanna know is, when will the 5th game be out? Hopefully it will use one of the previous sprite artists too - Ben Chandler might be a talented individual in his own right, but I thought his work on Rosangela was simply dreadful in Deception, and even Joey looked a bit too cartoony.
Post edited May 29, 2012 by kalirion