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Elmofongo: I have not been in WOW since the burning crusades days and I have not even reached outland since my brother was hogging it up so I missed WOTLK which I regret since that was the expansion I was waiting for which I wanted to see what happened to Arthas after Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
Elenarie: The story is great, but pretty sad. I've said enough!
I already know what happened
thebum06: I played all the way from the beginning vanilla to the end of WotLK, but I quit shortly after Icecrown Citadel because I was getting bored. I did come back at the beginning of Cata and played until Firelands was introduced, but I quit again after that and I currently have no plans on attempting another return with MoP. I just disagree with too many design changes for me to ever return.
I think WoW is one of the those things that I will play until it's end and until it's last update

Once a Year, Once every 5 years, it doesn't matter how often

I think that might have something to do with the fact that I'm an absolutely huge Warcraft nerd but that might be just me
I'm on EU Outland PVP (Alliance).
I'm not a regular player, just reactivated for a month after about a 6 month hiatus... I typically catch up with all of the content within that month and then get bored again. Get some achievements done and that's all.

And I don't think I'll be playing much now because of D3.

As for the server, it used to have a great scene for high-end raiding, I think it was ranked ~top5 in Europe in terms of raiding progress. It's a very packed server and the battlegroup (Misery) is the single most popular battlegroup in terms of arena games played (at least used to be). Also in the BG are many other high-end raiding servers (i.e. Veknilash) so there are fewer scrubs around, but obviously the bar is higher. Easy to get groups for pretty much anything (though not sure how that works for a mage). Lots of raids around, lots of pugs.
Back in WOTLK it used to have a lot of issues with lag, fortunately I don't think this is the issue any more.
There are also occasional queues during peak times, but to be honest, I haven't had to wait for more than 15min.
I havent kept up with MoP, have they finally started shaking up the gameplay somehow or is it just gonna be the same expansion they've released 3 times in a row?
Post edited May 17, 2012 by pingu53
Since we are talking about WOW I just gotta say what would you guys consider the best expansion for WOW
Post edited May 17, 2012 by Elmofongo
Elmofongo: Since we are talking about WOW I just gotta say what would you guys consider the best expansion for WOW
TBC obviously, brought in lots of new features but kept all the difficulty of vanilla, expansions after that just dumbed it down more and more
Elmofongo: Since we are talking about WOW I just gotta say what would you guys consider the best expansion for WOW
I don't know... but story-wise, WotLK, definitely.
Elmofongo: Since we are talking about WOW I just gotta say what would you guys consider the best expansion for WOW
pingu53: TBC obviously, brought in lots of new features but kept all the difficulty of vanilla, expansions after that just dumbed it down more and more
how badly dumbed down is wow it cannot be as worse than Fable 3
pingu53: TBC obviously, brought in lots of new features but kept all the difficulty of vanilla, expansions after that just dumbed it down more and more
With less than 10% seeing the end-game content, they kind of had to do that.

I don't agree much with that decision, but it sure did allow much more people to play through the content.
FraterPerdurabo: I'm on EU Outland PVP (Alliance).
I'm not a regular player, just reactivated for a month after about a 6 month hiatus... I typically catch up with all of the content within that month and then get bored again. Get some achievements done and that's all.

And I don't think I'll be playing much now because of D3.

As for the server, it used to have a great scene for high-end raiding, I think it was ranked ~top5 in Europe in terms of raiding progress. It's a very packed server and the battlegroup (Misery) is the single most popular battlegroup in terms of arena games played (at least used to be). Also in the BG are many other high-end raiding servers (i.e. Veknilash) so there are fewer scrubs around, but obviously the bar is higher. Easy to get groups for pretty much anything (though not sure how that works for a mage). Lots of raids around, lots of pugs.
Back in WOTLK it used to have a lot of issues with lag, fortunately I don't think this is the issue any more.
There are also occasional queues during peak times, but to be honest, I haven't had to wait for more than 15min.
I've checked the server populations and it seems that Alliance quite outnumber Horde on Outland

Around 70 to 30 % ratio

Not that I'm complaining, since I love doing PVP that will mean more alliance for me to kill

I'm quite interested in how Blizz will also implement cross realm zones in MoP, who knows, maybe it's gonna be just like the old days of Hillsbrad and Southshore in 2005
Roman5: balance
Hmm... I'm not sure where you got that from? I've always known Outland to be a very evenly balanced server. 50-50 is how it feels to me.

Maybe have a look at a couple of threads:
Typically queuing is bad after major content days, but dies down somewhat.

Haven't read anything on MoP so cannot comment on that unfortunately.
Are you planning to resub once MoP launches?

Do you still play?
Quit after burning crusade, never felt the urge to get back to it.

Did you play?
Started as Horde on sucky server. Switched to Alliance with new server opening. Top guild, most server first kills (half of MC, BWL complete, opened AQ, AQ complete), guild problems / dissolved, switched to Horde side on same server, top 5 guild, stayed another year.

did you purchase the Annual pass that came with the Free Diablo 3?
Played Diablo 1+2 for 99% offline as singleplayer - not interested in D3.
pingu53: TBC obviously, brought in lots of new features but kept all the difficulty of vanilla, expansions after that just dumbed it down more and more
Elenarie: With less than 10% seeing the end-game content, they kind of had to do that.

I don't agree much with that decision, but it sure did allow much more people to play through the content.
Hey I heard ever since WOTLK WOW has been dumbed down ever since. Now I do not know how badly but it cannot be any worse than Dragon Age 2 or Fable 3
Elmofongo: Hey I heard ever since WOTLK WOW has been dumbed down ever since. Now I do not know how badly but it cannot be any worse than Dragon Age 2 or Fable 3
It feels dumbed down for those that play on Normal difficulty. One can always play on Heroic difficulty to make the game harder.
Elenarie: With less than 10% seeing the end-game content, they kind of had to do that.

I don't agree much with that decision, but it sure did allow much more people to play through the content.
Elmofongo: Hey I heard ever since WOTLK WOW has been dumbed down ever since. Now I do not know how badly but it cannot be any worse than Dragon Age 2 or Fable 3
Since WotLK they have gone with a "Every boss has the same difficulty" design to make sure no one would get stuck on one boss. In my opinion this killed everything that was enjoyable about raiding, the progressing difficulty curve. But the majority of players disagree, so I've just decided not to play the game any longer.
Post edited May 17, 2012 by thebum06