skeletonbow: That always puzzles me. They require Nazi symbols to be removed from video games but don't have any problem with movies like Iron Sky being shown throughout Germany which are loaded with all sorts of Nazi regalia including swastikas. I wonder if the Iron Sky videogame has swastikas in Germany? That would be the ultimate confusing thing if the movie has them there and the game doesn't.
That's probably how it is. As far as I know, the same was the case with
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. The movie was chock-full of swastikas (naturally, as it dealt extensively with Nazi Germany) while the German release of the game had all swastikas removed. It makes absolutely no sense.
From MobyGames:
In the German version of the game all Third Reich insignia were repainted and made invisible. (Remember the scene, where Hitler signs the diary for example - there is not a single swastika around in the German version.) That's because in Germany no toys are allowed to wake resemblances to Hitler's regime. And computer games are (legally) toys. There is one overlooked instance in which swastikas are still seen: when a guard is knocked out during a fist fight, stars in swastika form appear over his head.