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This looks like it has potential to not suck. Seems like a combination of homeworld, sins of a solar empire and master of orion
Kotaku article
Official Page
Aliasalpha: This looks like it has potential to not suck. Seems like a combination of homeworld, sins of a solar empire and master of orion
Kotaku article
Official Page

Hmm, I love Homeworld so I hope this game will not suck.
Aliasalpha: This looks like it has potential to not suck. Seems like a combination of homeworld, sins of a solar empire and master of orion
Kotaku article
Official Page

Dammit, not again. I think we had enough 4X space strategies with focus on fleet-on-fleet battles already.
Looks like it has potential, I hope they'll focus well on particular game-play elements instead of doing everything and nothing like Sins which has a warcraft-like scissor/rock/paper combat gameplay and average planets micro-management.
Post edited August 10, 2010 by Narakir
I was about to post this tomorrow, but looks like you beat me to it my friend!
BTW I've pre-ordered. I'll be playing this the first day it's out, so I'll let you guys know how it is.
Anyone else wondered why it's so cheap? Well according to the devs, this is what they have to say regarding their pricing policy:
Firgof and I both feel that the current $50 per game is too high; not that you don't get good value for that money from most games, but that there's no great reason games should cost that much to begin with.
Post edited August 10, 2010 by lowyhong
I am actually thinking of pre ordering it. Seems the combat is simulated like sword of the stars with all them particles.
Another space 4X RTS? Where will I get time and money to play that too? I HAVE to win the lottery soon and be a millionaire...
Well after poking around in their forums I decided to pre order it. The devs are pretty active there answering questions. They said its kinda like a cross between sins and sword of the stars.
I heard about this game quite a while ago, and I'm thinking about pre-ordering, but I'd like to know a bit more about the actual gameplay status before paying for it.
That said, knowing myself, I'll probably cave in and pre-order anyway, probably early next week. ;-)
For me they fucked it up. Why? You don't go for a proper 4X game with huge number of systems and things to do, in a real time format. You need turn based. I am not going to keep changing the time scale or pausing the game to do whatever I want to do just because they don't want to implement what the game screams for, TURNS.
trusteft: For me they fucked it up. Why? You don't go for a proper 4X game with huge number of systems and things to do, in a real time format. You need turn based. I am not going to keep changing the time scale or pausing the game to do whatever I want to do just because they don't want to implement what the game screams for, TURNS.

So many types of games just work better for me when I can take my time, turn by turn. I'm not a fan of real time strategy games, even those with good pause systems just aren't the same.
Will it have a story?? That is the one thing that disappointed me the the most with Sins of a solar empire.
Gator_man: Will it have a story?? That is the one thing that disappointed me the the most with Sins of a solar empire.

Yeah. A story adds lots of atmosphere.
It doesn't have to be much. For example in distant worlds you find small bits of information about what happened in the galaxy a long time ago by exploring. Even that minimal "story" (I don't think it actually affects anything except happiness for some races.) sucks you in.
About Sins of a solar empire. I wanna know what's chasing that alien race. They need to do a sequel or expansion that explains it.
Regarding turn based, it can actually be modded into the game. Here's what one of the devs has to say:
Yes, it should be possible. You'd need to turn everything from realtime ticks to wait until you tell them to tick though and code in the ability for a script to manage when those occur.
Theoretically, it is totally possible. We haven't had anyone try but we're likely to try and support any efforts to do so.

You can get a feel for the game's mod capabilities in this thread
Post edited August 10, 2010 by lowyhong
lowyhong: Regarding turn based, it can actually be modded into the game. Here's what one of the devs has to say:
Yes, it should be possible. You'd need to turn everything from realtime ticks to wait until you tell them to tick though and code in the ability for a script to manage when those occur.
Theoretically, it is totally possible. We haven't had anyone try but we're likely to try and support any efforts to do so.

That's good, but not good enough. I am not going to buy a game for what it could be or that it requires me to "build" it.