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Gundato: until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).

Post edited August 12, 2010 by lowyhong
Gundato: until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).
until release (or a demo).
lowyhong: Yes.

Seriously, stop being a dick. Clearly elf is being too judgmental, but you are pretending that he is trying to murder your firstborn child by not liking it.
Gundato: Seriously, stop being a dick. Clearly elf is being too judgmental, but you are pretending that he is trying to murder your firstborn child by not liking it.

Oh. Do we have any word on how the FTL works? Is it MOO-esque in that you can technically attack any system and just move on a giant map, or is it Space Empires-esque in that there are warpgates and the like? If the latter, this becomes even more manageable since you just need to defend chokepoints.
but like in space empires and other strategy games(CoH), chokepoints often make the Ai suck and/or lead to stalements.
Zeewolf: Distant Worlds is pretty close to being the best 4X game I've ever played. It's real-time.
Faithful: I would like to get this game, but I am waiting for a sale to take place. To order a disk version is $60.84 with shipping which is too costly for me personally.

It might be a part of the Matrix Christmas sale in November-January.
Bodyless: but like in space empires and other strategy games(CoH), chokepoints often make the Ai suck and/or lead to stalements.

Depends on what you are looking for. One person's stalemate is another person's grueling five hour game :p
And, to be fair, the AI tends to suck in a lot of games.
Faithful: I would like to get this game, but I am waiting for a sale to take place. To order a disk version is $60.84 with shipping which is too costly for me personally.
Crassmaster: It might be a part of the Matrix Christmas sale in November-January.

That would be great. :o)
If you here about this sale would you please post it here on GOG? I come here daily, but not so much on the Matrix boards.
Faithful: It might be a part of the Matrix Christmas sale in November-January.
Faithful: That would be great. :o)
If you here about this sale would you please post it here on GOG? I come here daily, but not so much on the Matrix boards.

Sure. They do the sale every year, though, so if you take a peek over there come late November, you can see what's marked down.
They usually don't have anything on sale that has come out less than 8-9 months before the sale start date, though...and I can't remember when DW released.
Is Gamersgate a DRM kind of thing or are they like GOG? The listing for Star Ruler says DRM Free but I don't know if it's like Steam and the no additional DRM but Steam thing or not.
In other words, do I have to ask permission to play the darned thing 10 years from now or just fire it up in an emulator?
orcishgamer: Is Gamersgate a DRM kind of thing or are they like GOG? The listing for Star Ruler says DRM Free but I don't know if it's like Steam and the no additional DRM but Steam thing or not.
In other words, do I have to ask permission to play the darned thing 10 years from now or just fire it up in an emulator?

<cough>If you are willing to use an emulator for Windows 7, why not use a Steam "emulator" too</cough>
As for GamersGate DRM: Their basic model is an installer/downloader that phones home before downloading. But you can (generally) easily archive the temporary files so that you can run the installer later without phoning home.
orcishgamer: Is Gamersgate a DRM kind of thing or are they like GOG? The listing for Star Ruler says DRM Free but I don't know if it's like Steam and the no additional DRM but Steam thing or not.
In other words, do I have to ask permission to play the darned thing 10 years from now or just fire it up in an emulator?
Gundato: <cough>If you are willing to use an emulator for Windows 7, why not use a Steam "emulator" too</cough>
As for GamersGate DRM: Their basic model is an installer/downloader that phones home before downloading. But you can (generally) easily archive the temporary files so that you can run the installer later without phoning home.

As I've said before, the DRM isn't the only problem I have with Steam. Besides, an emulator of Win 7 is completely legit provided you have a Win 7 license. Many emulators themselves are free, so if the game is DRM free and my emulator is on the level, there's no issues. And I really think Steam will be gone or so crappy in 10 years not even the biggest fanboy now will like using it.
Thank you for the temp file thing though, it's good to know there is a workaround should I desire it.
Post edited August 13, 2010 by orcishgamer
Now available on Direct2Drive, marked down to $19.95.
they also reduced the price on GG. 15.16€ +bluecoins on GG, 14,95€ on D2D (including the pre order discount)
It's on Impulse too.