amok: Except what I am as a customer is left feeling is "gog sales are a bit meh, but steam sales are a bit exciting". If the point in the end is that one company only cares about money, while another cares about customer relations - you are going a bit against the stream here :)
keeveek: Depends what you expect. For instance, I don't like to be constantly disappointed by daily deals. So steam's relation with me is a downer.
I have almost 500 games on steam. Guess how many I bought this year.
well, I have bought my first game on steam this year on this sale, and I just answered your question. How many games you have and bought this year is not really part of that equation, you are the one that brought up that all gog care about is getting my money *shrug*
If you have 500 games, it is more a point that you have reached a saturation point more than anything else. Same boat as me, you either do not care about the games on sale, or have the ones you want already. Your issue, I think, is more to do with your collection than with actual sales.
(I have never bought a Steam Daily game since it started...)
keeveek: You come for sales as some amusement park with a strive for novelty.
I come for games. But it's a new trend I believe, when sales, clients, stores are about everything rather than just games. You earn some cards, badges, "surprises", and forget that after all, it's just about buying and playing games.
I come for my enjoyment. Part of my enjoyment is not only getting a large horde of shines, but actually a little bit of excitement seeing what is being put on sale, and dig through the large sack of coal to see if I might find a nice little diamond there I might not have know about before. I do not care about clients, badges or cards - I collect neither of them.
I like to look what is there, see what I want, calculate against my budget, and forecast what I think I may need to spend in the next days. I am always wrong, and the last years spend a lot less than expected, but this is for me part of the fun. I like the treasure hunt aspect of the large sales.