Posted July 22, 2013

Get over here!!
Registered: Apr 2013
From Argentina

Three Bars
Registered: Jun 2011
From Lithuania

4-bit classic
Registered: Oct 2010
From Netherlands
Posted July 22, 2013

The deals were so weak this time 'round I didn't buy much.

Civ IV complete or Civ V gold.
TWD is an experience.
Saints Row 2 & 3 are fun too
Machinarium is uber cheap.
I already have CIv4 so I'd rather wait for a really good Civ5 Complete deal.
SR2 & 3 I have and are some of my favorite games. Machinarium I already have from a bundle I think, but it's not really my kind of thing.
Thanks for the tips!
I suppose I could've been a bit clearer with what I'm looking for, but A) it's like 6000 degrees over here and B) I was hoping for some interesting deals that weren't necessarily front page news.
For example Gnomoria or something like that, I'd never heard of that until I saw it mentioned on a forum somewhere (still didn't buy it though, if I don't forget I should check if that has a nice sale).
Or Sonic Racing Transformed perhaps?
I don't have a kart racing game on my Steam account I think.

Three Bars
Registered: Jun 2011
From Lithuania
Posted July 22, 2013

Civ IV complete or Civ V gold.
TWD is an experience.
Saints Row 2 & 3 are fun too
Machinarium is uber cheap.

I already have CIv4 so I'd rather wait for a really good Civ5 Complete deal.
SR2 & 3 I have and are some of my favorite games. Machinarium I already have from a bundle I think, but it's not really my kind of thing.
Thanks for the tips!
I suppose I could've been a bit clearer with what I'm looking for, but A) it's like 6000 degrees over here and B) I was hoping for some interesting deals that weren't necessarily front page news.
For example Gnomoria or something like that, I'd never heard of that until I saw it mentioned on a forum somewhere (still didn't buy it though, if I don't forget I should check if that has a nice sale).
Or Sonic Racing Transformed perhaps?
I don't have a kart racing game on my Steam account I think.
Gnomoria is a strongly dumbed down Dwarf Fortress. My friend has 125 hours on it, but he's also a person who has 110 hours on FTL, 133 hours on Prison Architect and 609 hours on Empire: Total War.
How about Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition? That game is fun and has a nice competitive scene going. Also completely playable on keyboard, much better than on a controller in my opinion.
Post edited July 22, 2013 by Profanity

shot the food
Registered: Nov 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 22, 2013
Total cash expenditure this sale: £0.00.
Games acquired entirely from selling those wonderful cards;
Retro City Rampage
Sword of the Stars: The Pit
System Shock 2
Starseed Pilgrim
Triple Town
Pinball FX2: Epic Quest Table
and a handful of backgrounds for my profile!
Good haul, eh? I wanted a couple of other things (particularly Jagged Alliance 2 Gold and Skyward Collapse) but I reckon I have enough to last me until the next sale :D
EDIT: also picked up 3 copies of Just Cause that I have no idea what to do with :-/
Games acquired entirely from selling those wonderful cards;
Retro City Rampage
Sword of the Stars: The Pit
System Shock 2
Starseed Pilgrim
Triple Town
Pinball FX2: Epic Quest Table
and a handful of backgrounds for my profile!
Good haul, eh? I wanted a couple of other things (particularly Jagged Alliance 2 Gold and Skyward Collapse) but I reckon I have enough to last me until the next sale :D
EDIT: also picked up 3 copies of Just Cause that I have no idea what to do with :-/
Post edited July 22, 2013 by Asbeau

*Kicks shin*
Registered: Sep 2011
From United States
Posted July 22, 2013
I got 2 twenty dollar gift cards to make all my purchases.
However I only got
Hotline Miami (which doesn't seem to work on my computer :( )
Faster than light
Heretic+Hexen collection (since fuck it doesn't seem to ever going to be as cheap as it was back in 2011; is it my imagination or did there used to be Heretic 2 in the collection as well?)
Binding of Isaac DLC
for myself.
the rest I spent on stuff to give away in the gift club or for trades.
However I only got
Hotline Miami (which doesn't seem to work on my computer :( )
Faster than light
Heretic+Hexen collection (since fuck it doesn't seem to ever going to be as cheap as it was back in 2011; is it my imagination or did there used to be Heretic 2 in the collection as well?)
Binding of Isaac DLC
for myself.
the rest I spent on stuff to give away in the gift club or for trades.

Registered: Jun 2012
From United States
Posted July 22, 2013
I got almost everything I wanted already throughout the year so, surprisingly, Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition was my only purchase this sale for $5. I was considering grabbing Skyrim, but I decided to take a miss. I already have enough stuff.
Edit: oh yeah, and I also got a copy of Just Cause 1 for $0.27. I really have no interest in playing it, but maybe I'll gift it to someone.
Edit: oh yeah, and I also got a copy of Just Cause 1 for $0.27. I really have no interest in playing it, but maybe I'll gift it to someone.
Post edited July 22, 2013 by nmorello11

New User
Registered: Sep 2011
From Germany
Posted July 22, 2013
How many cards did you sell? How much did you play? I keep seeing people post about all the stuff they got from selling cards, but since selling prices are not that high for single cards, I assume you sold quite a lot of them...

New User
Registered: Oct 2012
From United States
Posted July 22, 2013
I just left all my games running overnight for a few days to farm cards. At 10-25 cents a pop they actually add up pretty quick, paid for alot of games this sale.
Post edited July 22, 2013 by hkabik

Three Bars
Registered: Jun 2011
From Lithuania
Posted July 22, 2013

Games acquired entirely from selling those wonderful cards;

Registered: Mar 2009
From United States
Posted July 22, 2013
Bah, can't decide if I wanna get Kerbal + Wanderlust and just redeem my Sonic Hits Collection
Get Wanderlust, Sonic Adventure DX, and Sonic Adventure 2 and just save Sonic Hits Collection for next Kerbal sale.
Get Wanderlust, Sonic Adventure DX, and Sonic Adventure 2 and just save Sonic Hits Collection for next Kerbal sale.

shot the food
Registered: Nov 2011
From United Kingdom
Posted July 22, 2013

Games acquired entirely from selling those wonderful cards;

Post edited July 22, 2013 by Asbeau

New User
Registered: Jul 2009
From United States
Posted July 22, 2013
Whatever you do, don't use Process Explorer to suspend a game and save yourself the power consumption. That would be cheating, and cheating is wrong ;)

Registered: Jun 2013
From Croatia
Posted July 22, 2013
And....its gone :(
Tomb raider (2013)
Borderlands 2
Universe Sandbox
Tomb raider (2013)
Borderlands 2
Universe Sandbox

Bak'laag Herald
Registered: Aug 2009
From United States
Posted July 22, 2013
Unfortunately, Heretic 2 has never been part of the collection. Hexen 2's expansion is also missing. :(