My friend and I have both been inspired by Shane Claiborne (if you don't know who he is, look him up), so I went with her church's ministry to Louisville today to feed the homeless. We set up a van on the side of the road, and served bowls of lasagna and passed out drinks to everyone who came by. No pamphlets, no proselytizing, just food and conversation. And let me tell you, that's all these people want; to be treated like human beings. Some of the people we served were actually good friends with the church group cause they've done this so many times. Everyone was good natured and friendly to each other, everyone was extremely grateful and kind, and everyone shared their food if they had enough. Then we went to some of the tent camps they have set up around the city. It's awe inspiring how resourceful people are when they have nothing. One guy lived way back in the woods near an overpass, and built a cabin sized tent solely out of old billboard ads (they're just tarps.) The companies apparently give them to this guy for free after they change them!
I'm not typing this to win Syndicate. In fact I almost feel guilty. But I want people to know that there are actually a lot of Christians out there who actually care about people, not just conversion. We aren't all Gingrich's and Santorums.