Rincewind81: I dont think that Double Fine is still a "small indie team". And The Cave is released and financed by Square Enix. I hoped for a 20€ price and i am surprised to get the game with the ususal 20% off voucher from GMG for only 10€ as a preorder. That is less than my contribution for the DFA...
amok: 1- Double Fine did not make it, as such. It was Ron Gilbert and a couple of artists and coders... who happen to work at Double Fine. The team making it was very small. Gilbert worked on it by himself as a personal project for many years, it is only from the last year onwards he got some more help. It is his 'baby'.
2 - SEGA, not Square Enix.... and only as publisher.
3 - You where hoping the game was more expensive? What ever for? strangest thing I have heard. Personally I though it would be around £15, and is very pleased to see it for £9.99. I welcome sensible pricing of DD only games, and wish more developers did the same.
1. It was part of Double Fine and Gilbert is working there, so it is a Doube Fine game. Same as Stacking or Costume Quest.
2. My fault- the other japanese publisher with an S. ;)
3. No, not hoping, but expecting.