Trilarion: However, people get used to high quality. If you see average to poor graphics (even if you are a strategy fan and actually don't think that graphics is important to you) right after looking at the most graphically stunning game of the year, you get a bit dissappointed.
The thing is, though, that good graphics don't need to be expensive. High-detail, photorealistic graphics are expensive, but this is not the same as good graphics. Highly stylized graphics can be relatively inexpensive to implement (aside from the cost of hiring on people who actually have the proper artistic skills), and such graphics also tend to stand the test of time better than the expensive, cutting edge, shiny stuff. For example, the fairly recent King's Bounty remakes have graphics that I find quite enjoyable to look at, and I highly doubt the cost of implementing those graphics broke the bank for Katauri and 1C. HOMM3, Disciples 2, Psychonauts, and Beyond Good and Evil are also examples of games that didn't have cutting edge graphics even at the time of their release, but which still remain quite enjoyable to look at even to this day. The only trick is that to pull off good graphics at a lower budget actually requires artistic talent and insight, while many of the big development houses today just seem to approach the issue of graphics with "throw money at it until it looks shiny."