CymTyr: Let me break it down for you: Once you purchase something you own it. Period. These EULA's and TOS agreements don't have a snowball's chance in Hades when it comes to reselling a game you bought. You OWN that disc, and it is YOUR RIGHT to resell that disc. Period.
Same with dvds and cds. You have the right to resell it, however you do not have the right to copy it and hand out copies to all of your friends.
Same with cars. You have the right to resell your car, forever.
Same with all physical goods: You have the right to resell, period. Unless it is specifically stated in the contract you have to sign for certain physical goods, you have the right to resell.
This may vary in certain countries but this is the way it works in the States. The EULA doesn't mean a damn thing and all it's ever been good for was Blizzard suing a bot programmer. Oh and it's a good excuse to ban hackers in online games.
You have a constitutional right to resell a physical game that you buy. You waive that right when you buy a digital distribution copy when you sign the site's agreement either A) When you create an account or B) When you purchase the game. The digital distribution channels more often than not have you agree that the game is linked to your account permanently in either of these situations, so in this case the point is moot.
I don't have a problem with games using Steamworks to essentially cut away the second-hand sales market. I don't have a problem with physical games requiring a disc check and minimal DRM to verify that I own the copy. I DO have a problem with companies in ANY industry that whine and bitch about something they have no business whining and bitching about.
With all due respect, getting rid of the second-hand market will cause a decrease in overall profits, not an increase. It is GREED that is making companies like THQ and Epic think the opposite.
It's also a sign of the human condition: gimme gimme gimme more more more, to hell with you and your wanting to save dollars because your kid needs a checkup with the family doctor.
It's easy to see things one way, and I do support the developers I like, but to try to dominate through sheer assertion of will is something I will not abide. Ever. No self-respecting human should.
^^^^^ /thread. I am calling it xD