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Nirth: Ah, I forgot about the Eschalon games. There's a 3rd one in the making and I've yet to even start the first one.
Yep, I'm eagerly awaiting the third.
deathknight1728: Does anyone else think they need some new rpg titles?
I would never say no to more RPGs. Never.

That being said, I think Ultima VII has aged really well. Play that if you haven't already.
deathknight1728: So you couldn't go all out with morte and my n.o. fighter as a 2 man team?
For crying out loud, don't do that, you'd be missing the point of the game completely! Boot it up with cheats or whatever to make it easier if that'll help you, but stories, dialogue and addition of your companions is what half of that game is about. It is not about combat, it's not about leveling up (not by a long shot,) and most of the time you can control your entire party by just having it selected and clicking around. The most interesting content in PST is achieved via your companions and throwing them away would be the biggest mistake you could possibly do.
Post edited October 08, 2012 by Fenixp
Dont buy a game based on the GoG reviews, they are beyond useless. Get a few different sources.

I cba to play anything older than the infinity engine either and they mostly have visual upgrades to make them more palatable on modern screens.

My own recommendations would be (apart from what you mention in your first post) Planescape, dunno why you would only use Morte as others said....maybe RPG';s just aren't for you if you dont want to experience storylines. Icewind Dale may be more up your street.

Arx fatalis
Deus Ex
Divine Divinity
Temple of Elemental Evil, The
Two Worlds
Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption

Special mention must go to Inquisitor for sucking absolute balls.
Awwww, the poor fate of those born in the 90's, forever doomed to terrible tastes by the hyperactive pacing of the movies, music and games he grew up with, unable to grasp the complexity, depth and great beauty of the best older RPG's.

Forever doomed to mediocrity and playing Action-games that pretend to be RPG's on steamworks, unable to appreciate truly great games because he is poisoned and corrupted by the evil of the popamole console generation.

Tis truly a fate worse than death.
If you liked Arcanum, then Fallout would probably be a good choice. They are rather similar, due to sharing some developers.

I would also say that you shouldn't just take Morte as companion in PS:T. It's not a hack & slash game and if you approach it with a... "gamist" mindset, you will only be disappointed. It's a game about story and characters. Intentionally avoiding other characters leads only cripples the story-telling potential.

Is Inquisitor really that bad? Most of what I heard about it (which wasn't all that much, actually) sounded rather good.
I prefer most of the clasics rpg's to most of the IE games, I guess i'm in the minority here. Don't get me wrong, the IE games are great, but they (IE Games) practically invented the term 'ZURG' before Wow or Starcraft did.
deathknight1728: I will give some credit where its due, a few games I already have played and completed, they are-Arcanum, BG1, BG2.
Hmm, if you found e.g. Baldur's Gate 1 enjoyable, which GOG RPGs are you complaining about? Ultima 1-3? Frankly, I was expecting you to complain about BG1, not commend it. But maybe that's just me, I've found it mostly pretty dull, albeit it has its moments, and it does let you react to different things differently, which may affect how the world around you views you, which is always a plus in a RPG.
deathknight1728: Does anyone else think they need some new rpg titles?
Sure, I'm all for that. I'd buy Mass Effect 1-3, Knights of the Old Republic 1-2, Dragon Age games etc. in a heartbeat from GOG.

But I do want Neverwinter Nights 2 here too. I am not that interested in pre-1991 cRPGs, they are too old-skool for me nowadays. I want my automaps, working quest logs (that Baldur's Gate 1 _doesn't_ have, phuck the journal) and completely mouse-driven interfaces (no keyword typing, thanks).
Post edited October 08, 2012 by timppu
Whiteblade999: Too picky, the catalog here contains most of the good RPGs from the golden Infinity Engine days and a bit beyond. Try some of the more niche RPGs like Soulbringer or Nox.
YMMV indeed.

I consider the "golden Infinity Age" the worst time for RPGs. Either before or after, but those "RTS with swords" aren't really what I want with RPGs.
deathknight1728: ...Most of the problems I have with the good old game rpgs is that they are either not very fun or Ive seen better elsewhere.....
Does anyone else think they need some new rpg titles?
What I don't like is that many RPGs get repetitive quite fast. Also the exploration part can be so boring if you just run around and nothing or the same thing happens over and over.

But you should just stick to the better games then.
Whiteblade999: Too picky, the catalog here contains most of the good RPGs from the golden Infinity Engine days and a bit beyond. Try some of the more niche RPGs like Soulbringer or Nox.
SimonG: YMMV indeed.

I consider the "golden Infinity Age" the worst time for RPGs. Either before or after, but those "RTS with swords" aren't really what I want with RPGs.
amusing since your avatar happens to be from one of those "RTS with swords" ;)

Personally, the Infinity Engine style RPGs are my favorite, but I am tactical combatant in RPGs.. the true oldschool ones just lack a certain element that a combative mindset gamer needs.

Few RPGs from before or after the Infinity Engine have really gripped me. I think Skyrim is the first RPG of that breed to really grip me for any length of time. Morrowind, DA:O, NWN, VTM:Bloolines, Two Worlds, etc. have never really held my interest.. I'll play them for a while, but then shortly thereafter I wander away. The most hours I logged in to any would be Oblivion after I put so many mods on it it's not even funny.
If you started playing PC RPG games later than the GOG classics they will be hard to get into. That goes for most people in most media genres, it's hard to go back to before you started. I stared playing CRPGs with Baldur's Gate and Fallout, so those games are my baseline. It's hard for me to go backwards to games like Betrayal at Krondor or Lands of Lore, even though they are my kind of games.
GOG catalogue contains of many true classic RPG games of all subgenres I could think of.

If you can't find them enjoyable, it rather means RPGs are not your cup of tea.

Try some braindead shooters, SimonG will be your guide :D
Post edited October 08, 2012 by keeveek
Zolgar: amusing since your avatar happens to be from one of those "RTS with swords" ;)
Name me one Sword in PS:T. Obsidian made it a point to get as far away as possible from that uninspired mess that BG was.

PS:T worked because it did everything different than those carbon copy BG clones that flooded the market back then. It is a testament to this game that it worked despite that shitty engine.
SimonG: Name me one Sword in PS:T. Obsidian made it a point to get as far away as possible from that uninspired mess that BG was.

PS:T worked because it did everything different than those carbon copy BG clones that flooded the market back then. It is a testament to this game that it worked despite that shitty engine.
Oh, this is why fighting in Planescape was so horrible and barely playable!

Post edited October 08, 2012 by keeveek