Red_Avatar: They place Myst, Riven, Portal 2, Zork Grand Inquisitor & Machinarium above Beneath A Steel Sky? HERESY! And Still Life just beneath it? These guys are total idiots. The Neverhood doesn't deserve to BE in the top 100 even, Full Throttle should be way higher, Portal has no place in there, Sam & Max are too low, etc. etc. etc.
Honestly, what chimps made this list?
da187jimmbones: I disagree a lot with what you said, especially about the Neverhood. Were you expecting them to make a list of your personal top 100? Because I think they were trying to make their personal top 100.
Disagree all you want but Neverhood was horrible - I'd quote the entire PC Gamer review but there should be no need. It's not because the cute plasticine figures make you go "ooo" that there's actually a good game behind it. It's a good example of people liking it because of a style over function. As an adventure game it's pretty crappy.
Of course, if you think Myst & Riven are great adventure games, that would explain why you'd like Neverhood - both Myst & Riven are another two examples of games where it's style over function - and Portal 1&2 aren't adventure games full stop.
acard87: Even though I am a Monkey Island fan I have to say that Grim Fandango's first position is well deserved, I remember playing it some years ago and I was impressed with its style and humor. Sadly I wasn't able to complete the game due to a problem on my computer, I should start it again one of these days.
Happy to see The Longest Journey so highly ranked, I have it on GOG and I think it will be one of the next games I'll play!
Grim Fandango is a great game but it gets negative marks for the shitty console controls that made me run like a pinball, bouncing off surfaces - not to mention you could only look at items when you're close and have to use a key to turn your head to another item - it's all too fiddly and it always left a sour taste in my mouth. There were many ways to improve this but they decided not to and for that, Grim could never be the best adventure game for me. Especially when you got stuck, it was extremely painful to have to deal with the shitty controls.