OldFatGuy: But what's "obnoxious" and not great to you is mere return of the favor to them.
To them, it's "obnoxious" and not great that you ignored their desire to live in a world where always on DRM doesn't exist when you took an action to make that world more likely.
You say they could ignore the threads about the game, well, you can ignore the posts in the threads about DRM. Or, if you're saying they could at least show some respect by not posting DRM issues in threads about the game only then yes they could, but the return is also true, in that those that purchased the game, knowing that action negatively affects others, could refrain from publicly talking about it out of respect too. It works both ways, but you seem to only want to consider one side.
When people take a direct action that may potentially affect others in a negative way, then they simply CAN NOT reasonably expect that those others will then be very respectful of whatever wish they have. Including having a thread about Diablo 3 without DRM issues.
Everyone is perfectly free to live for them and them only, and not give one rat's ass about anyone else. I seem to do it all the time myself. But when someone does, they aren't perfectly free from the consequences. And the consequences can manifest themselves in many ways.
Think about this. If one started a thread about Betrayal at Krondor and say they JUST wanted to talk about the role of Pug in the game, I'd bet dollars to donut one could do that, and have the thread mostly stay on that topic, as most people will respect those wishes.
Now why would one be successful and the other one not, and I can promise you almost ALWAYS not??? It's because with the Krondor example, NOTHING done with or about that affected anyone else in any way whatsoever. So they don't care. But in Diablo 3, by purchasing the game that's an action that will likely negatively affect others, and THAT'S WHY it's always going to get the negative feedback even when you ask nicely that it doesn't.
That's just the way the world works. No matter how badly we want to believe our acts affect us and us alone, the fact is no man (or woman) is an island.
I guess the bottom, for me, is, if it were me, and I had purchased Diablo 3, I would choose not to talk about it publicly anywhere except perhaps Diablo 3 forums because I know how my purchasing it might upset others.
And another wall of text because I don't know how to be brief. My apologies to all and I will make this my last post in this thread. Sorry.
(Before starting I must say that i'm sorry about dividing the posts up like this, but it helps me think better about what to write in reply with larger posts.)
If they seriously think that way(And have that whole "With or against us" mentality, with no room for a middle ground or grey area.) then that's fine, as long as they express or handle it in a mature & civil way. It's when such people also feel the need to be uncivil about it that it becomes childish and obnoxious(Note that I am talking in general here as I haven't seen much of the other D3 threads yet, and as such I am not trying to pinpoint any one example or examples.).
I agree that people should ignore posts they don't want to read in a thread(On both sides of a discussion or debate.....as long as such posts are ontopic and civil.)....but please
prove to us that people buying the game/saying they bought the game will lead to such negative outcomes(D3 DRM/etc becoming more widespread/etc.) as some seem to think they will. There are more factors to consider than just that when trying to predict if a DRM scheme/other event will become the norm/go a certain way/etc, and to use just that one possible factor to make a future prediction about the gaming industry(or something else) is silly at best, insane at worst. Also, using such loosely formulated "predictions" to blast those(As in trolling/rude banter/etc...not civil discussion of how they feel.) who aren't "with you" seems very childish to me.
Why shouldn't they expect such? I think people shouldn't just behave civilly when people do things or say things they agree with(otherwise all civility is out the window). If someone does something you dislike, and then posts about it(Barring some things like saying they murdered someone or stole from old people.), I don't think this should give anyone license to treat them like shit for it....maybe rebut or disagree with them calmly, but not troll them over it.
Also the same thing goes for people making threads whom you disagree with personally......civility shouldn't go out the window just because they did something you don't like or hold an opposing viewpoint.
Hey, it's human nature, but you
seem(Note I didn't say you ARE, here.) to be making one action(people buying D3 and saying they did in a civil way.) out to be something totally different(People saying they bought D3 while trolling/swearing at/etc those that didn't.) while making excuses for those that also possibly think in the same way & use such thinking to justify being dicks to those that don't.
You have proof that no one(or near no one) had issues with the creation/sales of the Krondor games? Or that the sales of D3 will affect people in such a manner as you claim? It seems you're making theoreticals(And flimsy ones at best if they hinge on only one or a few factors like people buying games with the D3 DRM in them.) out to be as absolutes/near absolutes.
Yes, but some acts/actions affect people/the world more than others......and saying that one KNOWS certain actions will affect the world in a certain(negative or positive) way without ample proof (No, ample proof isn't just thinking one action will automatically cause said outcome without any other proof......barring some exceptions like action/reaction events like lighting a match will cause a certain chemical reaction.) is just crap reasoning at best. If one honestly uses such reasoning(if it can even be called that) to justify childish or rude behavior to others then I don't feel sorry for them if people respond in kind, as imo they kind of deserve it.
And if someone wants to state they bought a game/did something they should be able to if it's ontopic to the discussion at hand and done in a civil manner, regardless if someone might not like to see or read such.
Post as much as you want. I don't mind. :\