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Reminds me of a forum auto-edit on a different forum I frequent. Was BSing about something or another and used the term 'pussy-footing'. The auto-edit turned it into "cat-footing".
CaptainGyro: Well who has even said anything that was ban-worthy anyway? As EnigmaticT said, you can be banned here for posting porn and posting hate speech. Nobody posts that stuff here. so nobody is banned.
I've seen tons of forums that you can say whatever you want as long as it isn't kid porn,hate speech, spam etc. I don't see anything special about gog's policies. I also actually consider the abilty to hide posts just because a few people might disagree with them to be a horrible thing
keeveek: You never been to Steam / EA / Activision / Bioware / Bethesda etc etc forums then.

It's a different thing to run a amateur forum, and a different thing to run a business were your image is important.
well you said it's the most liberal on the planet, not the most liberal out of the dd sites forums. Big difference
Post edited May 30, 2012 by CaptainGyro
JMich: So since your intent would be to mention how kick-ass your weekly giveaway is (and it most certainly is), and you consider kick-ass not offensive by standards (otherwise you wouldn't be asking so vocally for the reversion of the change), why are you not changing the name?
Simple. I don't want to.. for a variety of reasons. Firstly, I disagree that it is kick-ass :P
And yeah, the latest added reason is.. GOG has requested that people (in a roundabout way) refrain from using things that might be offensive in topic titles and I think that's a very reasonable request.

I don't think forcibly changing people's topic titles that might be offensive is reasonable though (in case you didn't notice :P). Sure, the word might mean the same part of the anatomy, but the phrase is substantially different. It's not the well recognised and commonly used phrase any more and as I said.. it makes the OP look a certain way (e.g. pompous) against his will.

It's the exact same logic that I used when I asked GOG if I could make another account for my bot to use. I wanted it so people wouldn't confuse the bots posts as mine (it would be managing the giveaway). GOG didn't say no.. they just said they would prefer I didn't. So I didn't, simply because that was their (very reasonable) preference. I'd wager that thewishingwell is not that persons only account on this site! My willingness to comply with their wishes is not an agreement that their wishes should be enforced.
CaptainGyro: well you said it's the most liberal on the planet, not the most liberal out of the dd sites forums. Big difference
OH noes, I exaggerated. Welcome to the mysteries of the language.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by keeveek
CaptainGyro: I also actually consider the abilty to hide posts just because a few people might disagree with them to be a horrible thing
That's an optional system, though it is opt-out.

Forum settings -> uncheck 'hide posts when low rated'.

And that is why I don't consider that as "community censorship". I can disable it if I want to (and have done so) and then it becomes "community making 'low rating' show up on a post".
Post edited May 30, 2012 by xyem
xyem: I don't think forcibly changing people's topic titles that might be offensive is reasonable though (in case you didn't notice :P). Sure, the word might mean the same part of the anatomy, but the phrase is substantially different. It's not the well recognised and commonly used phrase any more and as I said.. it makes the OP look a certain way (e.g. pompous) against his will.
So would a change of " prods buttocks!" be acceptable, since it 1) retains the exact same meaning, 2) gives the humorous tone and 3) removes the potentially offensive word?
It is still an forcible change of the topic title, it would still be one man's decision and not the company's one (which I cannot stress enough is what has happened here), and it still isn't what the original poster wrote.

Actually, I am still trying to understand what exactly is your beef here. Is it the changing of a word, the changing of this specific word, the changing of the topic's meaning, or the not-asking before moderating something? In case it is something else entirely, can you please explain it in words that my 6year old niece could understand?
jamyskis: I think the whole debate started with michaelleung's infamous "CUNT CUNT CUNT" post
And I think it is important to note that yes, that is still what the topics title still is (though it is locked).

So maybe it is okay as long as your post leaves the front page before GOG staff see it.

Isn't that exactly what happened on 4chan with MLP? "Mods are sleeping, post ponies!"?
CaptainGyro: well you said it's the most liberal on the planet, not the most liberal out of the dd sites forums. Big difference
keeveek: OH noes, I exaggerated. Welcome to the mysteries of the language.
Yes how silly of me to not realize that by "whole planet" you meant only Bethesda, Steam EA etc, and not the other 99.9999999999999999% of internet forums. Sorry for not catching that.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by CaptainGyro
keeveek: OH noes, I exaggerated. Welcome to the mysteries of the language.
CaptainGyro: Yes how silly of me to not realize that by "whole planet" you meant only Bethesda, Steam EA etc, and not the other 99.9999999999999999% of internet forums. Sorry for not catching that.
He probably meant most of (gaming related) forums owned by companies....
CaptainGyro: Yes how silly of me to not realize that by "whole planet" you meant only Bethesda, Steam EA etc, and not the other 99.9999999999999999% of internet forums. Sorry for not catching that.
IronStar: He probably meant most of (gaming related) forums owned by companies....
Don't ruin his "cool" image he's so eagerly trying to build! He was so clever by pointing this out! Let him shine! (and make some more pointless posts) :-)
Post edited May 30, 2012 by keeveek
IronStar: He probably meant most of (gaming related) forums owned by companies....
keeveek: Don't ruin his "cool" image he's so eagerly trying to build! He was so clever by pointing this out! Let him shine! (and make some more pointless posts) :-)
What the hell are you talking about? I just wanted to find out why you thought gog's forum policies were so amazingly liberal( which is what you imply by saying the whole planet), because I don't see it at all. How am I trying to build a cool image? You're the one who resorted to a snarky sarcastic "oh noes I exaggerated welcome to the mysteries of language " comment.

You seem to think that I took your comment literally, that there is not a single forum anywhere on the planet with policies as liberal as gog Obviously that would be a crazy claim, since that type of claim would be impossible to prove, and I didn't think that's what you meant. I just took it as you meaning the forum policies are exceptionally liberal compared to most other forums (gaming or otherwise) on the internet. That you would use "planet" ,( which gives the idea of covering an enormous area), when you only meant an isolated small area ( gaming company related forums) doesn't make much sense to me, so I assumed you weren't only talking about steam,ea,activision etc. I don't think that was a crazy assumption to make.
Post edited May 30, 2012 by CaptainGyro
JMich: So would a change of " prods buttocks!" be acceptable, since it
1) retains the exact same meaning
" kicks ass" is like " is awesome!!!!1111oneoneone"
" prods buttocks" sounds like " is gay". And I'm pretty sure that is the exact opposite of what the OP intended (as a lot of people regard being gay as a bad thing and use it as a derogatory term[1] -.-)

JMich: 2) gives the humorous tone
So? While I would have found it funny if TET had changed this topic title to what he wanted to, that's because it meant he recognised my intended humour, and was just carrying on the joke. escapist23 was trying to convey a very specific message with his wording which the change destroys.

JMich: and 3) removes the potentially offensive word?
So would changing it to "GOG kicks cats" :)

JMich: It is still an forcible change of the topic title, it would still be one man's decision and not the company's one (which I cannot stress enough is what has happened here), and it still isn't what the original poster wrote.
Ahhh.. I think I see what you are getting at. Perhaps the answer below might help.

JMich: Actually, I am still trying to understand what exactly is your beef here. Is it the changing of a word, the changing of this specific word, the changing of the topic's meaning, or the not-asking before moderating something? In case it is something else entirely, can you please explain it in words that my 6year old niece could understand?
My beef is finalised (but not only with) the lack of fix for the mistake. It stopped being Judas' mistake when it was defended by other GOG staff and not reverted.

When you realise you did something wrong, you try to fix it. You don't just go "Oh well, what's done is done" and walk away.

They didn't just walk away from the Botanicula thing (which they reasonably could have, as it wasn't remotely their fault).
They didn't just walk away from Moto Racer 2 (even though now I can't play the game.. because of the DRM).
So why are they effectively walking away from this by leaving the mistake there? If they change it back, and anyone claims they were "covering up their mistake", I'll be first in line to defend GOG!

[1] I picked up this habit from somewhere(calling something gay if it was crap or bad). Something pointed out what I was actually saying (a blog post, I believe) and I felt like absolute crap. I pay for more attention to what I say now!
Post edited May 30, 2012 by xyem
xyem: They didn't just walk away from Moto Racer 2 (even though now I can't play the game.. because of the DRM).
All this fuss over the changing of the word 'ass' in a thread title!
This thread is ass-tounding!