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We know our little game with closing down the site made some of you angry. Once again we'd like to apologize to everyone who felt deceived by us closing down without any warning and without giving you access to your games. We apologize for that from the bottom of our hearts, it was done with the best of intentions and hopefully we can make it up to you!
That being said we'd like to introduce to you the brand new After two years we're finally leaving the beta stage and moving forward to provide you even better service with your favorite PC classics. Leaving beta means lots of changes to the site itself, as well. A sleek new design makes it even easier to browse through the huge catalog, share one's passion for classic games via popular social media, get to know more about the classic games available and recommend favorite titles to other gamers. Among other changes, the team has introduced GOGmixes, which are, in short, user-created lists of games around one theme. Learn more about all the new features on overview page.
But that's not all. What anniversary would it be without some neat presents? We're celebrating the second anniversary with one of the biggest announcements ever for fans of classic PC games - we're reviving Baldur’s Gate and other classic Hasbro-Licensed PC games which will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks!
Post edited September 23, 2010 by Neville
low rated
I have bought almost 50 titles over the year but now it is going to stop. This amateurish, so called prank was the biggest shit you could do to your customers. Fuck off, seriously - I mean it. I'd rather download my games from abandonware sites than from you.
low rated
I have bought almost 50 titles over the year but now it is going to stop. This amateurish, so called prank was the biggest shit you could do to your customers. Fuck off, seriously - I mean it. I'd rather download my games from abandonware sites than from you.
I am glad that GoG is back. But I expected alot more forum features.

Also, I was maybe thrown off by this, but I saw the "hints" if you can call them hints 8P
guest32413: I have bought almost 50 titles over the year but now it is going to stop. This amateurish, so called prank was the biggest shit you could do to your customers. Fuck off, seriously - I mean it. I'd rather download my games from abandonware sites than from you.
What i was going to say was , because of this little stunt i wont be buying any gog games this year. You should've given people a game to say sorry , not some stupid monk videos!
Welcome back.

There is really nothing to forgive. The prank was pretty harmless and your apologies were sincere. Anyways, the addition of Baldur’s Gate is awesome and the new website looks great. Studying for my political test right, so I can’t shop yet but later tonight is shopping spree.

Once again, welcome back.
SmashManiac: Changing the front page for a publicity stunt = OK
Blocking access to the games that I purchased without any warning for a publicity stunt = NO
Pretty much this. That was a giant cock slap, leaving your community in the dark, some having not downloaded all their games and now unable to for nearly a week.

Hopefully the staff will show some proper bloody respect to their consumers next time they want to update the site.
low rated
avatar What anniversary would it be without some neat presents? We're celebrating the second anniversary with one of the biggest announcements ever for fans of classic PC games - we're reviving Baldur’s Gate and other classic Hasbro-Licensed PC games which will be unveiled gradually in the coming weeks!
Are you giving it free? No? So go to hell, please. Thanks.
Get over it people. They closed the site for a few days to make things better for everyone. They released super silly videos in apology. GOG provides an invaluable service and one PR stunt (that worked really well in getting attention) shouldn't generate this much nerd rage.

Thank you for what you do for the PC gaming community. Keep up the great work!

PS: The spell check thinks is misspelled.
You pulled a dick move, GOG. My trust is shaken as a customer and I don't feel comfortable trusting digital distribution any more.

Grow up and fire whoever suggested this PR stunt.
I'm glad that you have customers that are so inspired (or perceptively incapable) that they don't even notice your attempts at humor. is a great concept and deserves to do well.

That said, screw your PR department. And any of you who thought that was a fantastic idea. I didn't join this site to be jerked around when I got the itch to download one of my games. I didn't pay for games just to have access to them yanked out of reach. If I wanted that kind of abuse there are plenty of other places to get it. I am considering those places as sources for my purchases as we speak, because they understand that my decisions and choices have value for them as a company and realize the consequences of arbitrarily throwing a wrench into that relationship.

I may purchase games from you in the future, but always hesitantly and with full intent to download them immediately. You've proven that as a site you can't be trusted with more.

As others have noted, you've lost a great deal of marketing opportunity. Because you've lost our trust. The best resource you had were those who would sing your praises and you've decided that was less important than playing a prank. I hope it was worth it.
So yeah... I heard about the 'shutdown' and that it was a hoax at the same time. This comes not long after I gift a game to a friend (who wasn't previously a GOG user), and end up having to explain this to them in lieu of you guys. It felt very silly, and represented a hit to both my time and to others' perception of my judgement (i.e. in which companies I choose to endorse).

Of course, you 'could' have told everyone you were going to do it, but if that would happen to defeat any sort of purpose then, well, just shows how ill-conceived it was in the first place. (What on earth WAS the purpose?)

Sorry, don't trust you anymore, and you'll certainly have to do better than 'make up for it' by releasing some game I not only don't want but would have to pay for anyway.
You scared me for about 24 hours there, GoG.

I can't stop loving you, though.
My biggest concern with the PR stunt was that if the people in charge of are willing to deny people the ability to play the games they've purchased for promotional reasons, how can I possibly trust GOG in the future, knowing that the games I buy might not be able to be downloaded from the service in the future if the people in charge decide what a different promotional effort is needed?
I'm just glad you guys are still alive, kicking and profitable (seemly even at these price points) , GOG has to of had one of the longest beta's ever :D
Blocking me from downloading the game I bought because of a stupid PR stunt isn't funny.

In the future, please don't block us from our downloads.