Posted September 27, 2012
That was some seriously creepy stuff. Sounds nice and intellectual, but it's basically worthless (not the word I initially thought). Your solution seems to be to "groom" everyone into behaving in a certain approved way. Basically remove everyone's ability to hurt anyone - if some specific minority is involved - by micro-managing and questioning their behaviour in detail. WTF? How is that supposed to be an improvement on anything? Suppress everyone being the answer to the problem of some being suppressed for irrational reasons?
You need to get out in the fresh air, and actually talk to and observe people - that "utopian" (it'd be hell, not Utopia) , mind-controlling fantasy of yours will never work; people can't be controlled that way.
Sure, I perform, and take part in, discriminating actions - especially if such actions are defined by it affecting some minority negatively. Call me a racist because of it if you must, but then every single person alive or has ever lived is also a racist (including Jesus if I remember the bible correctly). What's the point of the word "racist" then? There isn't even a qualifier to go with "racist" - if someone say they're "just a little racist" people with the same mindset as you would be all over them like a ton of bricks just the same as on someone saying "yeah, I'm the biggest racist you ever met".
No, I'm not a racist. I do sometimes discriminate against people of a different colour, and I discriminate against people of the same colour as me. Every single time I make a choice, I discriminate against those I didn't choose. It's unavoidable. Racism isn't random acts of discrimation, it's when the acts of discriminatnions becomes a pattern. It's the pattern that's racist, not the individual acts.
Do I care if Achmed has to send out twice as many job applications as Olsen (common norwegian surname) to be called in for the same number of interviews? No, not really - I have no way of telling if that's because Achmed doesn't speak norwegian and the potential employers don't speak english, or if it's because of discriminating assumptions based on his name - he has options provided by the government if the latter is the case; I don't need to "save" him, nor does he need a "saviour". Do I care if Achmed's children are bullied at school? Yes, I do, and I don't need to know why they are bullied. And I care if Olsen's children are bullied at school, also regardless of reason. They do need help.
Enough ranting on my part - I'm not an idealist, and I know from experience that I never agree with idealists on anything bigger than what kind of pizza to order, and not always that. You see the world as you want it to be / interchangeable with your agenda, and I see the world more or less as it is, faults and shortcomings mostly accepted because, well, that's the way it is, but more importantly, we can shuffle around on the injustices of the world all we want, but the amount of injustice will stay the same. The world needs both kinds, but we'll never agree.
You need to get out in the fresh air, and actually talk to and observe people - that "utopian" (it'd be hell, not Utopia) , mind-controlling fantasy of yours will never work; people can't be controlled that way.
Sure, I perform, and take part in, discriminating actions - especially if such actions are defined by it affecting some minority negatively. Call me a racist because of it if you must, but then every single person alive or has ever lived is also a racist (including Jesus if I remember the bible correctly). What's the point of the word "racist" then? There isn't even a qualifier to go with "racist" - if someone say they're "just a little racist" people with the same mindset as you would be all over them like a ton of bricks just the same as on someone saying "yeah, I'm the biggest racist you ever met".
No, I'm not a racist. I do sometimes discriminate against people of a different colour, and I discriminate against people of the same colour as me. Every single time I make a choice, I discriminate against those I didn't choose. It's unavoidable. Racism isn't random acts of discrimation, it's when the acts of discriminatnions becomes a pattern. It's the pattern that's racist, not the individual acts.
Do I care if Achmed has to send out twice as many job applications as Olsen (common norwegian surname) to be called in for the same number of interviews? No, not really - I have no way of telling if that's because Achmed doesn't speak norwegian and the potential employers don't speak english, or if it's because of discriminating assumptions based on his name - he has options provided by the government if the latter is the case; I don't need to "save" him, nor does he need a "saviour". Do I care if Achmed's children are bullied at school? Yes, I do, and I don't need to know why they are bullied. And I care if Olsen's children are bullied at school, also regardless of reason. They do need help.
Enough ranting on my part - I'm not an idealist, and I know from experience that I never agree with idealists on anything bigger than what kind of pizza to order, and not always that. You see the world as you want it to be / interchangeable with your agenda, and I see the world more or less as it is, faults and shortcomings mostly accepted because, well, that's the way it is, but more importantly, we can shuffle around on the injustices of the world all we want, but the amount of injustice will stay the same. The world needs both kinds, but we'll never agree.