Telika: 1) There is no hierarchy between human "races".
Yes there is. Private people rant at me all the time for, ahem, "supporting [racial slur] who rape our white children" and object to e.g. Tatar news anchors - "This is Russia, how do they dare to allow a Tatar to read news on a federal channel! Might as well sign up a [n-word] tomorrow! We're all doomed!". Corporations roll with these sentiments, saying "Errr, we'd really love to hire you as a salesperson, we're not at all racist, but
our customers are, and as a private enterprise we can't really afford to lose money, so it's either janitor or GTFO".
Telika: Okay, some people, and even administrations, still refer to the scientifically debunked notion of "race" (slowly changed to the more politically correct but not much less absurd "ethnicity") to categorise phenotypes
Now, I don't really see s problem with categorization per se. We need some words to describe people, and there are distinct ways that people can look. Now if only the labels we assign to these ways were accurate and inoffensive.
Telika: 2) Likewise, feminism has won, at some level.
Feminism is
winning, on average. Discrimination at the workplace, essentialism and the master key theory are very much alive.
Telika: Still, the idea of womanly irrationality (emotion, instinct) as opposed to manly rationality (intellect, courage) is, at an explicit level, ridiculed.
Lucky you. Here is it
celebrated. Mass media can't stop pushing the idea that women are stupid and should find joy in their unique stupidity.
Telika: 3) Ecology. Are we okay with ecology ? Pollution being bad, all that ?
The environment has become a subject for public and political discourses, an item. This shows there's still an agreement at some level now.
At the superficial level, as in, "pollution is bad". Beyond those three words, opinions diverge like crazy. Organic fangirls are worse than... ahem...
Apple fanboys. (See, I made an effort!) The "all-natural" trend does not benefit the environment at all.
(Now, this is not to say that artificial flavors are not shit. They are.)
Telika: However, it still seems that there is already a dominant tendency to accept homosexuality.... Few politicians, even right-winged, are openly homophobic. And when they ask to maintain restrictions of rights for homosexuals, they generally do the effort of trying to not look directly homophobic.
Lucky you.
amok: What do we agree on?
Death and taxes
No. I don't want to die. I want to be taxed.
orcishgamer: I've always wondered how the Republicans will feel in 20-30 years when it's extremely clear that they came down on the "wrong side of history" in the whole gay marriage thing.
You, individually, grew up. People on average don't change their mind, they die out.
Jaime: I'm not even sure what the ultimate goal of feminism is. Absolute gender equality? But wouldn't that mean abandoning gender? Or the reinforcement of womanhood, basically the opposite?
I find myself agreeing with many theories by (hardcore) feminists, but I have no idea if I'm one myself.
As an utilitarian feminist, I have no use for the "ultimate goal". It tends to devolve into the slippery slope fallacy fairly quickly. There are many reasons to argue about definitions (37 is a good estimate), but primary issues should be never shadowed by semantics.
There's a long list of professions that I'm barred from. That sucks, and I want it to change.
Women's retirement age is lower. That sucks, and I want it to change.
Other people try to claim authority over my entrails. That sucks, and I want it to change.
Some companies demand that women paint their faces and nails without imposing any restrictions on the physical appearance of men. That sucks, and I want it to change.
These are all "feminist" stances, since they are aimed at gender equality. So is e.g. teenage boy porn, which I do not support. I do not have to work out a definition of feminism covering every issue that has ever arisen and can arise beforehand and then blindly hold on to it until I die. [Feminism] is a shorthand, a tag on a real issue. Some [feminism] issues are worthy of support, some aren't.
It is absolutely not necessary (and rather harmful) to perform mental gymnastics to define the tag so that only issues you personally support fall under it, because definition-based thinking is not supported by observable reality.