Synopsis from Wikipedia:
No one lived there before the European arrival. The first two claims were apparently French and British. The Spanish bought the French colony and invaded the British one. The Brits and Spanish almost went to war and the Brits got theirs back by treaty. That brings us to the American Revolution and Caribbean war against the French when the Brits withdrew forces from their part of the islands and the Spanish took over (really just left a plaque next to the British plaque that Brits claimed the islands with saying "no they're ours"). But meanwhile the Argentinians rebelled and own creating the United Provinces of the River Plate. Since it was the Buenos Ares colonial administration that had governed the islands, Argentina now asserted control, but eventually left on their own accord, withdrawing settlers by 1811. Though both Britain and Argentina claimed control, it seems no one was using the islands for much until 1832 when the Argentinians tried to establish a penal colony. The following January British forces returned and laid claim to the islands that had been "theirs". The Argentinian forces protested but acquiesced. The Brits used it solely as a naval base until 1840 when the first stable colony, and the one that exists today, of civilians was set up.
So summary of the synopsis: No one has historically ever had claim that wasn't enforced at the point of a gun. And really if we want to talk about "firsties", half the islands belong to the Brits and the other half belongs to Spain (I suppose since they bought it rather than took it by force from the French). Since the current inhabitants are probably mostly if not entirely the descendants of Brits, it seems Argentina doesn't have a particularly strong case. I guess it really is just the same political theatre as last time. Oh well. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
TheTrveFenris: But I have to agree that our government does nothing more than distract the people from important issues. I'm really unhappy with this stuff, as so do I with this year elections (or re-elections, sad but true)
I thought your economy was doing okay (well at least considering the state of the world economy anyway) - what are the issues they're trying to distract from? Is the economy that bad again? I mean last time it was incredible hyperinflation if I remember right (not to mention military dictatorship).
What's your sense - are people buying the distraction? Or are they fed up? Sorry you are going through this ... again.