Posted February 14, 2012
Lone3wolf: Not really. Reagan's administration did provide covert help in the form of Real-Time Satellite imagery and Radio/Comms intercepts on the Argentine military....
It was released on a FOI request some years ago now, but still remains little-known...
crazy_dave: But that was not what the US's official position was (that's why it remains little known). The US has always tried have its cake and eat it too when it came to the Falkland question. It was released on a FOI request some years ago now, but still remains little-known...
Hell, even when a Brit gets a good-guy role, he's not British.
Picard is FRENCH! Seriously??
That Cop-Wrongly-Sentenced-to-20-years in "Life" was British...
Ditto Cop-in-ZombiApocalypse-thingy-Walking-Dead is British, not from Atlanta :P
and the list goes on.
And on.
And on. And on. And on. And on. And on. And on....