Story:Do you believe in Fate or Destiny? If not, maybe you should reconsider as the twin brothers, Fate and Destiny, are battling for supremacy over Mankind! Their battleground: a vast citadel called The Keep of Lost Souls, created before time and in a realm known as LIMBO. If Fate wins, the 7th Gate to the Kingdom of Shadows will be opened, Armageddon shall be birthed and Mankind will suffer for all eternity. If Destiny wins, mankind prospers.Show more
Legendarny crap. Twórcy do tej pory zapierdalają na galerze. Obciążonej betonem. Bokiem. Osobno. Każdy sam. Nie licząc strażnika lejącego ich batem po gołych dupach.
Make it free, in order to avoid legal issues, there's no way you'd get away with selling it. Have this entire effort be to get the creators to hand over the code for free distribution of this abandonware.
This is clearly a meme suggestion, and I am completely here for that. So I shall give a vote and explanation (Because 160 Characters are required.) that I am voting for this solely for that reason.