I found this game when trying to find titles with Mustelid/Weasel representation in them and proceeded to buy and complete it on OG Xbox. The wacky concepts and absurd theme of saving animals through animal abuse was hilarious, but what really sticks with me is the animations, character personalities, goofy albeit adultish jokes, dynamic music that's a blast to listen to, and some hefty, satisfying platforming action. Too bad the middle of the game SLAPS your butt with a ball-busting mess: the Shipping and Waste Department levels. Utterly horrific and confusing with their layout and how to progress in them. The final stint of the game was much better thankfully. All said and done, easily one of the best platformers on Xbox, and super underrated game in general. I'd love to see this on PC/GOG with slightly updated visuals, but even a straight port with widescreen support would be epic!