Posted December 16, 2023
I once tried destiny 2.... Way back when they were in league with Blizzard. I found the game to be a nice distraction.... Then the whole bungie leaves the building thing happenend and before i knew it, the game i had bought, with a 4 expansions, was suddenly like worth nothing anymore. Earlier campaigns did not work.... a huge obtrusive maze that hinted to access on mp only things was the only thing left. Next with this rather undefined anger against developers and their disregard for people who pay with hard earned pennies.
And now they give the game with the latest DLC for free on Epic Games.... That's a nice thing to look at i think.... Now i ain't sure yet, but i have good hopes to finally be able to deal with those bits of unresolved ... emotions.
Which is important....
We all know what happens with unresolved emotions left to fester.
Before you know it you are knee down, wearing ropes chanting unintelligble words with the Inquisiton knocking on your front door purging every personal relation you'd ever had...
Such an outcome is not worth it!!!
I think
And now they give the game with the latest DLC for free on Epic Games.... That's a nice thing to look at i think.... Now i ain't sure yet, but i have good hopes to finally be able to deal with those bits of unresolved ... emotions.
Which is important....
We all know what happens with unresolved emotions left to fester.
Before you know it you are knee down, wearing ropes chanting unintelligble words with the Inquisiton knocking on your front door purging every personal relation you'd ever had...
Such an outcome is not worth it!!!
I think