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high rated
Just noticed that new icon on the upper right in the shape of a heart, brings you directly to your wishlist and also tells you how many games you have on it (up to 99 at least).

Useful? It might be useful if the wishlist actually worked. Filtering by discoutned games still shows you many undiscounted games and there is still no "sort by price" or "sort by discount" option.

You are still better off by just visiting the "store" page, list all games and apply your filters (show only games on my wishlisst, only show discounted) and sorting there. At least that page works - most of the time, until it forgets your filter, then you need to click it again.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by neumi5694
high rated
99+ :O

Cute but it pings with every page load, may get annoying.
high rated
If only it worked without issues... on GOG's main page I am getting a bogus number, although in other sections of the site, including the forums, it seems to do its job properly.

I guess it's an incentive for people to check out their wishlists more often, which might help with sales? Seems odd they'd invest time in it otherwise.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by WinterSnowfall
It's annoying already, will empty wishlist.
high rated
It's just annoying. Looks like a notification I can't get rid of. Well, other than by buying the games, I guess. Maybe that's the point of this new "feature". Want to get rid of the annoying icon? Buy 130 games!

There's already a simple way to access my wishlist from the drop down menu, with an accurate count too instead of the "99+" thing. This addition is pointless and irksome, please get rid of it. Next time you want to improve something, how about actually fixing the wishlist? Or the damn tags?
Noticed the new tab immediately after login.

Showed "11 whatevers" (that's what I wondered, before I clicked on it, to find out what it was).
Then I clicked on it - now it shows "99+ whatevers".

What's that number supposed to show? My wishlisted games? Wishlisted games, that are discounted?

Thing is: whatever it is supposed to show - the numbers are incorrect.
I don't have 99+ games on my wishlist, and of the games that I have on my wishlist, more than 11 are discounted.

Typical GOG change.
Something new and botched. Just like we're used to it.

And don't get me started on why anyone would need this?
The old wishlist entry is still available on its old place under the drop down menu, after all.

Edit: just wanted to add: the number of wishlisted games under the drop down menu is correct.
new_tab.jpg (81 Kb)
Post edited December 06, 2023 by BreOl72
high rated
I wish the notification would only show the discounted games in my wishlist (Currently, it shows me the exact number of all the games I have in my wishlist). At the moment, I'm somewhat indifferent towards this feature, and will probably remain the same once it's been improved to only notify you of the discounted ones.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by Lovstrelfra
high rated
I've added this to my userContent.css in Firefox to make the wishlist number quite a bit less annoying (darkgrey background, rather than orange, and no longer doing the animation on page load)
@-moz-document domain("") { { background-color: #666 !important; }
.menu-item__count--wishlist::before { display: none !important; }
After some consideration, I've tweaked it further to this, making it look the same as the other 'inactive' icons:
@-moz-document domain("") { { background-color: transparent !important; color: #909090 !important; }
.menu-item__count--wishlist::before { display: none !important; }
The numbers don't make any sense to me. 7 on the homepage, 97 everywhere else.
(I have 81 games on my wishlist, of which 12 have a discount. The total discount for all wishlisted games is ~€130.)

edit: thanks to Ice_Mage's explanation below, the number is now correct for me in most places, though the homepage continues to show 7.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by gogtrial34987
It shows me "64" discounted games in my wishlist, while there is only 60 games in it and just a few discounted O_o
MaxFulvus: It shows me "64" discounted games in my wishlist, while there is only 60 games in it and just a few discounted O_o
You what they say, "there are 1 to 300 million humans on this planet who may or may not exist." The same might even apply here.
Not a fan of this change. Had to add a UBlock Origin filter to it as it draws too much attention - unlike the more neutral shopping cart notification.

Could we please get some more useful features like SargonAelther's suggestion or other highly voted features from the community wishlist? -
Post edited December 06, 2023 by UnashamedWeeb
high rated
uBlock Origin filter if you want to remove the icon: > .menu-wishlist

If you want to keep the icon but fix the inaccurate count, here are directions to remove invisible wishlist items. These get stuck in your wishlist when they're removed from the store. For whatever reason, the total on the wishlist page ignores them, but the icon doesn't.

Edit: apparently some people want to keep the icon but remove the number badge, so here's the uBlock Origin filter for that: > .menu-item__count--wishlist

Also note that gogtrial34987's user style above can be used in browsers besides Firefox using the Stylus add-on.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by Ice_Mage
After emptying out my wishlist completely, the icon still persists and claims I have 15 titles wishlisted. I tried refreshing but it does not go away, and is still at 15.
Ice_Mage: If you want to keep the icon but fix the inaccurate count, here are directions to remove invisible wishlist items. These get stuck in your wishlist when they're removed from the store. For whatever reason, the total on the wishlist page ignores them, but the icon doesn't.
Oh wow, so gog removed 16 items from the store which I had on my wishlist! I've noticed it happening once or twice when a game was replaced with a new deluxe/bundled/whatever version, but that's potentially 16.5% of everything I could be reminded to want to buy, that just disappeared! Nice going there, gog!

(And thanks for the explanation + link to the json!)

Just went through the list - in the end it wasn't that bad. 4 potential lost sales, 2 through game removals which I'd missed where I might've pulled the trigger if I'd seen it, 1 through a replacement with a director's cut, where I've since lost interest in the game, but might've bought it in the past, and 1 through a temporary pack where I didn't know it was a temporary pack, with the same. Most replacements however, I noticed by myself already (9 out of 10 cases where this happened to me).

Gog really should stop you from putting temporary packs on your wishlist though, and automatically replace your wishlist item with a new edition if it's the same or better for the same or a lower price.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by gogtrial34987
Yes, the ping effect gets very annoying. And the number shown for me is also wrong: It shows "8", but I have 6 games on my wishlist, 1 discounted. :P