It seems that you're using an outdated browser. Some things may not work as they should (or don't work at all).
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Wow, this is neither annoying or an eyesore. Gotta love the orange flash of 99+. C'mon this is ridiculous. Users have been complaining about wishlisted entries of games being labeled discounted without discounts for a while now and they still haven't fixed it. Seems like the root cause here. Makes going through the wishlist a chore most of the time. Fix your fucking shit GOG, at least then the icon might be useful.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by EnforcerSunWoo
high rated
Clownski_: All feedback's being noted! We're still testing some stuff and will be working on improving the feature.
Have you ever considered fixing the actually broken stuff instead of tacking on half-assed, redundant things like this?
I might not not mind a wishlist icon, but please remove the orange ping. Unlike the notification icon ping where it is okay since it informs me about something that I should/can solve immediately (such as checking out a message notification) I simply can not immediately resolve the fact that I have games in my wishlist. Other than by buying them all immediately, but that would kind of take away the purpose of having a wishlist.
Clownski_: All feedback's being noted! We're still testing some stuff and will be working on improving the feature.
ReynardFox: Have you ever considered fixing the actually broken stuff instead of tacking on half-assed, redundant things like this?
Hey, they also did post that they simultaneously fixed the perpetual purple notifications dot (which appears to be accurate).
It's annoying and I really don't understand how or why it's there. I can check my wishlist anytime I want under the user menu like a sensible person, this is just trying to goad FOMO/compulsive shoppers into action.
mqstout: Hey, they also did post that they simultaneously fixed the perpetual purple notifications dot (which appears to be accurate).
I'm sure that'd be great for the five people who can still access myrecentposts; which isn't me.

My wishlist contains 21 items, and yet it appears to insist that I have 27[!], which would easily be a bust in Blackjack.

Let's see, according to the scrying of JSON queries, the games appear to be...
1074103799 - Battletech. Just the base game, which doesn't exist anymore.
1207659136 - Terminal Velocity Legacy, which was replaced.
1251226620 - One of the many editions of Myst; this must have been the flat/2D version.
1612076301 - House Flipper Pets DLC, which plum vanished.
1627353338 - Yooka-Laylee Pre-order, which why was this even a thing?
1676123628 - Cooking Simulator, which was apparently replaced by a void very quickly in a hurry.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by Darvond
mqstout: Hey, they also did post that they simultaneously fixed the perpetual purple notifications dot (which appears to be accurate).
Really? Well shut my mouth, I never thought that'd get done. One point to house GOG then.
mqstout: Hey, they also did post that they simultaneously fixed the perpetual purple notifications dot (which appears to be accurate).
Darvond: I'm sure that'd be great for the five people who can still access myrecentposts; which isn't me.
This. I have no idea if I even have actual notifications or just the permanent dot, because there's no way for me to check. But of course fixing myrecentposts, or the useless tags, or the wishlist is apparently not nearly as important as this new "great" feature.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by Breja
Clownski_: All feedback's being noted! We're still testing some stuff and will be working on improving the feature.
When will you fix the shopping cart function ? It doesn't let us to add more than 200 games per purchase . =)
저기: 99+ :O
Yeah, LOL.
Completely useless information.

If it was an actual number of items on the wishlist, it would have some very minor information value, but 99+ means absolutely nothing.

And how often is it necessary to know how many games are on the wishlist? To see such a number showing up all the time seems completely unnecessary.

And the actual wishlist is seriously lacking features. Steam wishlist, which is far from perfect, can be sorted by price, discount, release date, added date, and bunch of other ways. It's one of the reasons why I actually usually use Steam wishlist even with games that I intend to buy from GOG.

ConsulCaesar: It is terrible to see that flashy orange notice every time I load a page... It doesn't add information that I didn't already know, and the number doesn't even match the games on my wishlist.
The most annoying thing is that the whole bar is soon full of flashing colours, which are not coordinated in any way.
Purple dot for forum messages which may or may not be real, red bell icon for notifications which may or may not mean something, and orange 99+ which means nothing at all.

Any guesses on which the next colour is going to be, and for what purpose?
PixelBoy: Any guesses on which the next colour is going to be, and for what purpose?
Irish Spring Bar of Soap Green for search notifications.
Why would you do this. Mine says 11. I actually have 5 games on my wishlist, and three of those are TBA and can't be bought yet anyway. What possible use do you imagine this badge has for me?

I also used a linked guide to figure out what invisible wishlist items are bringing it up to 11. Does that sound like something I should have to do, GOG? Mess around with the actual ID codes of your games on an external database because you refuse to tell me what hidden factors are breaking your little number counter? That seems perfectly reasonable to you, does it?

The majority of them are old versions of games I already own. I guess I had them on there and at some point they were replaced with slightly newer versions but the old versions left some kind of residual entry behind. Does THAT seem reasonable to you, GOG? Leaving my wishlist full of ghosts because I didn't buy everything at the first possible opportunity? It must, since now you've added a whole counter in the corner nagging me and reminding me about their presence.

One game was actually a real game on my wishlist that I didn't buy before GOG removed it from the store. I'd completely forgotten about it and would never have guessed which one it was because GOG never made the slightest peep when it was removed. Because that's what users want- if a game they wanted becomes unavailable, they want to forget it ever existed, never be given a last chance to buy it from GOG before it goes away, and then have it appear as a little yellow number next to their wishlist icon for all eternity, mocking their inability to own it.

This is GOG's idea of "features" and "customer service", it seems.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by Hanglyman
PixelBoy: Purple dot for forum messages which may or may not be real, ...
Purple dot fixed today, for me it is!
Post edited December 06, 2023 by user deleted
high rated
gogtrial34987: (And thanks for the explanation + link to the json!)
You're quite welcome. If anyone knows an easier way to go about it, I'd love to hear it. My wishlist is nearing the triple digits and scouring it for the one invisible item was a chore. It turned out to be Figment 2: Creed Valley which was replaced with a package containing nothing but that game. Why this was done is anyone's guess.
gogtrial34987: the homepage continues to show 7.
I also see a single digit on the homepage at first. It fixes itself the moment I scroll down to reveal the Games for You section. The multiple CORS errors on that page probably have something to do with it.
neumi5694: Just noticed that new icon on the upper right in the shape of a heart ....
Just another instance of GOG treating us like morons again. Not as intrusive and stupid as their wishlist popup maybe, but has the same dumb mentality behind it.

If folk aren't checking their Wishlist very often, there will be a good reason behind that.

If I ever forget I have a wishlist, then really I should be banned from spending money on the web.

P.S. I am probably one of those who GOG think I never or rarely ever check my wishlist. In reality though, I use a wishlist checking program that keeps a history of price changes, and I find that much more helpful than just browsing my wishlist, and so much faster. And with a wishlist that has over 900 entries on it, 99+ is kind of meaningless ... unless it meant over 99 items with the highest discount ever ... then maybe that icon would be worthwhile.

P.S.S. They can spend time on this type of nonsense, but what about fixing my pathetic download speed.
Post edited December 06, 2023 by Timboli
mqstout: So constantly having a badge up there in a high-contrast, "pay attention to me" color saying 99+ will be a sure fire way to make me endeavor to clear my wishlist.
NuffCatnip: 99+ BUY THEM NOW!!!!
At least that is my interpretation.
Either this addition gets removed or I'll have to empty my wishlist. :/
...except that doing that is not actually going to help you guys at all.

Instead, once you do that, then you will just be in the same boat as me as regards to that matter: probably then, just like mine is, your empty wishlist will result in you having a neon orange square around the number "1," being stuck permanently next to the heart icon.