stoicsentry: Thanks. Moves will be posted tonight.
Landeril: OOC: Did Kamelion get the Bracers?
Yes, he did.
TURN M1 Arc moves to ~. Skill drain: Heroditus: Called Shot.
Arthur moves to ~. Skill drain: Heroditus: Called Shot.
Milk moves to ~. Skill drain: White Elk: Minor Restoration.
Heroditus moves to ~. Skill drain: Arc (Repel)
Elk moves to ~. Skill drain: Arc (Repel)
Kamelion moves to ~. Skill drain: Arc (Repel)
Everything, including map, updated. Mostly just draining some skills/spells. No surprise there.
BOTH TEAMS MAY NOW SUBMIT THEIR ORDERS FOR THE ACTION PART OF THE TURN. This is turn A1. As a reminder, the Action Part is like this:
You may:
1.) Specials phase: use an item OR; drink a potion OR; use a spell/skill.
2.) Attacks phase: attack an enemy within range* OR; change your weapon.
When you have decided, make sure to contact your team captain and have him post the choices for your group. Ideally, you should inform him of your intentions during the move turn if possible, so he can carry out your orders without waiting for further contact, but this may not always be possible.
From there on in, it's all me. I will:
1.) Post story updates, if there are any.
2.) Update the map, if anyone died or changed locations due to a spell/skill.
3.) Post effects, depending on the spot you ended your turn in.
Which brings us to... a new turn! So it continues until the game is over.
* = note: some skills/spells replace your attack. When that happens, you may not perform an attack afterwards, nor change your weapon.
1. Kamelion (Pazzer)
Sling, Range: 3
Damage: 2d6
HP: 28
Armor: 0
Thwart: 40%
1. Magic Missile (1/5)
2. Arc Lightning (1/5)
3. Craft Minor Potion (1/5)
4. Repel (2/5)
5. Minor Restoration (1/5)
1 (27 HP if used by him, 10 if by another)
2. White Elk (White Elk)
Sling, Range: 3
Damage: 2d6+2
(May equip: Quarterstaff. Range: 1, Damage: 1d6+3)
HP: 37
Armor: 0
Thwart: 40%
1. Arc Lightning 3/5
2. Magic Missile 3/5
3. Craft Minor Potion 3/5
4. Minor Restoration 2/5
5. Blizzard 2/10
1 (10 HP)
3. Heroditus (Rodzaju)
Longbow: range 3
Damage: 2d6+6
HP: 38
Armor: 1
Block: 20%
Heroism of Heroditus: 20% chance to avoid damage from first physical attack of the battle.
1. Focus 2/2
2. Rush 2/2
1 (10 HP)
Blue Team
1. Arc'Nak'Kar (fexen)
Darts, Range: 2
Damage: 2d6+3
HP: 31
Armor: 1
Thwart: 40%
1. Create Minor Potion: 3/5
3. Magic Missile: 2/5
4. Minor Restoration: 2/5
5. Craft Healing Potion: 1/10
6. Mirror Image: 1/10
2 (1 10HP, 1 5HP)
2. The Milkman
Longsword, Range: 2
Attack: 2d6 + 8
HP: 38
Armor: 2
Block: 20%
Focus 1/2
Seize 1/2
Rage 2/2
Blood Frenzy 1/5
Controlled Rage 1/5
1 (25 HP)
3. Sir Arthur of Vandelay
Shortbow, Range: 2
Damage: 2d6
HP: 30
Armor: 0
1. Dual Wield (1/4)
2. Hide in Shadow (1/4)
3. Close Ground (1/4)
4. Pilfer Potions (1/4)
2 (1 is 27HP, 10 if used by another, 1 5HP)