drmlessgames: Do they really care though? To them it only matters if Master Chief is in the game, or if it's called "Call of Duty".
Actually, the latter applies to PC gamers just as much.
And Hideo Kojima (I mentioned him three times already for a reason :p) is a pretty big deal. Hell, his following probably wipes the floor with Sid, Molyneux, McGee, and Rein/ClifyB together. And it is arguable that it is a deserving following.
He is pretty well known for the Metal Gear games, at the very least. Zone of the Enders was better, but it didn't sell as well.
Miyamoto (dude who made Mario) is pretty well known for Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, and many others. So another case of "Anything he makes is awesome" for most people.
And then you have the people behind the stories for the Final Fantasy games, which are apparently good (I disagree, but whatever)
So get your console bashing out of yer arse and just continue the discussion at hand :p