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StingingVelvet: I thought I made it pretty clear when I said traditional singleplayer but since two people have come at me with "singleplayer isn't dying" I guess I have to clarify.

Games are becoming a service, something you subscribe to instead of buy. This has been Microsoft's dream since they first brought up subscribing to Word instead of buying it like a decade ago. This is where everything is headed sadly, from music to movies to games.

Will we still have games designed to be played by yourself? Probably, but the fact they are services will inherently change the gameplay.
I thought I was clear that I disagreed with your opinion :p

Since single player games are still available today, even in the traditional sense, its only your opinion that they will cease to exist in favor of software as a service. Since Software as a service also exists, its my opinion that it won't wholly win out.

I agree that most companies want to go all online and all digital because it lowers their cost and they have all PROVEN there is no intent to pass that savings on to the customer, so its a huge win if they can accomplish it. But Its still NOT a fact that all companies will succeed in attempting to force this sole distribution method.
hucklebarry: I agree that most companies want to go all online and all digital because it lowers their cost and they have all PROVEN there is no intent to pass that savings on to the customer, so its a huge win if they can accomplish it. But Its still NOT a fact that all companies will succeed in attempting to force this sole distribution method.
I think it's a given because the general consumer loves and supports it.

Torchlight 2, or any of the other hack and slash click fest will fill this void.
akwater: Meh,

Torchlight 2, or any of the other hack and slash click fest will fill this void.
No, because the items of the former Diablos are unmatched.
And so the only thing that will 'fill' the void is to not allow this void to come up.
Like with other drugs...
PC gamng, new release wise, is dead. This kjnd of BS, and the fact that people are ok with it, is one big slippery slope.

The idiots are going to chime in with "A pc is connected to the internet anyway, duh!".

I knew they were either going to make it an MMO (Might do that yet) or do something like this. Blizzard are part of Activision, don't forget.

Oh well, Torchlight is better than anything Blizzard ever put out, and when they add the free multiplayer, this argument will be moot.
Post edited August 12, 2011 by anjohl
anjohl: PC gamng, new release wise, is dead.
Not if you buy Indie games. They are quite much fun as well. Just too bad PopCap was bought by EA now. Instead of just doing the same (giving 20 people all time they need to make a game they enjoy) they pay 750 million USD. Shows you how dumb big developers got.

But in times where you can easily get 5 to 10 good games for the price of one bad game (at release of each) you know why not to buy from big studios anymore unless they sell for similar prices... and then they blame it on piracy instead of their inability to make good games...

so their answer is not to make better games but to include more DRM. So pirates still have games running like they want while people that buy the game in some cases are not even able to play it.

But hopefully the dinosaurs will also extinct here.
anjohl: PC gamng, new release wise, is dead.
Protoss: Not if you buy Indie games. They are quite much fun as well. Just too bad PopCap was bought by EA now. Instead of just doing the same (giving 20 people all time they need to make a game they enjoy) they pay 750 million USD. Shows you how dumb big developers got.

But in times where you can easily get 5 to 10 good games for the price of one bad game (at release of each) you know why not to buy from big studios anymore unless they sell for similar prices... and then they blame it on piracy instead of their inability to make good games...

so their answer is not to make better games but to include more DRM. So pirates still have games running like they want while people that buy the game in some cases are not even able to play it.

But hopefully the dinosaurs will also extinct here.
True enough. I just gave in and bought an more system requirements, no more viruses, install errors, it's just easier.
Dolantin: No, because the items of the former Diablos are unmatched.
And so the only thing that will 'fill' the void is to not allow this void to come up.
Like with other drugs...
Are you kidding? Diablo 2 was actually not terribly good, outside of the cinematics, which were awesome.

Diablo itself is still a good game, Diablo 2 was substandard when it launched and has aged poorly to boot. There's Diablo 2 clones that kick the everliving crap out of D2 for playability (e.g. Titan Quest).

I except D3 to be just as poor outside of the cinematics.
anjohl: True enough. I just gave in and bought an more system requirements, no more viruses, install errors, it's just easier.
That's not really giving in, some games play just fine on a console, and if it's not a moddable game (or you don't tend to mod), you lose nothing really. In fact, you normally can resell or trade games (and I regularly do the latter) which kicks ass.

"Hey man, I didn't like TFU2 so much", "Oh really, I kind of wanted to try it, do you want my copy of Halo Reach for it? I'm done with it." "Sure man."

Yep, it's awesome.

Now, if you have a very nice monitor and a nice computer, some games will look better on your PC, even that may not be enough to put up with compat headaches, it just depends.
Post edited August 12, 2011 by orcishgamer
anjohl: PC gamng, new release wise, is dead. This kjnd of BS, and the fact that people are ok with it, is one big slippery slope.

The idiots are going to chime in with "A pc is connected to the internet anyway, duh!".
I couldn't agree more, said idiots are usually blizzard foamers that love anything that they put out. I have to admit that generally most (if not all) their games are fantastic, but they are literally shooting themselves in the proverbial foot for making D3 an 'Online only' experience, morover with the recent announcement of Ubisoft practically throwing out it's annoying DRM with HoMM 6 I cannot see why they would do this.
Titan QUest ? ? ? That game is completly unplayable ! ! ! First of all its bankrupt since before it came officially out and second 99 % of all gamers have hacked gear equipped and their is nothing that kills fun more then a game floaded with all hacked items.

Dia3 only playable online ? Do'ohh . . . why would ye wanna play it any other way ? ! ?
I played my dia2 alw online too, like most games these dayz.
If ye wanna play it solo, just password up ye game.

Ofc the *** ** **** DRM and other suicidal so called protecting is a compl other issue. Agreed.
Post edited August 13, 2011 by DraKenWouD
DraKenWouD: Titan QUest ? ? ? That game is completly unplayable ! ! ! First of all its bankrupt since before it came officially out and second 99 % of all gamers have hacked gear equipped and their is nothing that kills fun more then a game floaded with all hacked items.

Dia3 only playable online ? Do'ohh . . . why would ye wanna play it any other way ? ! ?
I played my dia2 alw online too, like most games these dayz.
If ye wanna play it solo, just password up ye game.

Ofc the *** ** **** DRM and other suicidal so called protecting is a compl other issue. Agreed.
Just going to talk about single player,for i can't say i know what titan quest is like online,for i rarely play it online and don't want to talk about something i don't know about.So i will just stick to what i know about it,single player.
First about titan quest.How is it unplayable gameplay wise in single player?Most i get is a lag spike here and there while traveling across the land,once in a while.I play with the fanpatch 1.7.Which was made by modders,if you could not mod titan quest.The ravages of time skill in the spirit mastery would still be broken, along with Triumph in the warfare mastery and some other bugs.The fanpatch,does nothing but fixes bugs in the game and adds the all skin mod.The all skin mod just adds new skins for your character to use.This mod,makes it far more enjoyable for me.

That is the fun may enjoy online play and think its the right way and others don't.No one is right or wrong there.Its just the way they like to play.Torchlight 2 and grim dawn[Grim dawn made by most of the,same people who made titan quest.From what i know.] will have offline single player to my knowledge,making them better for people who dislike being online all the time.For all 3 games in question are action rpgs.Also being online all the time,makes me feel more like i'm renting, than buying and owning the game.

And not everyone who can get on the.What do they call it again?
Alymay:The spider web!Yeah spiders!
Captain death:I don't think that is what its called sir.yip yip.
Me:We will talk about that later,for now we will roll with it.

Around here my connected will some times randomly drop or not work for a bloody day.Worst is around charisma time.I'm lucky to get online at all for at least the first half of the month.Sometimes i luck out and am lucky to get online at all during that time of the year.If i can get online its most likely pass 1:00 am or so.thankfully most of my games which i own and i have paid for them all with my hard earn gold coins,can be played offline during times like this.If they all needed to be online to work,i would be shit out of luck during these times.And in some free online mmos i have try out.Lags like hell,making the game play not very enjoyable for me.That i think has more to do with my connection than their servers.

Witch:Hey boss what do you want me to do with this box.
Me:Use it,burn it or get rid of it.I don't care.
Witch:All right boss.
Me:Now what was i going to do.Ah right.In short,not everyone who has connection to this things you call the...
Alymay:Spider web!
Me:Yeah that.Does not works likes its flawless.I for one sure know my own connection does not work flawlessly,as one may like to think.One last point i would like to make.

I been reading threads like this on other forums and one thing i keep seeing,is i am stabbing my self in the heart or slowly killing my self by not buying a game i may not enjoy.By saying i may enjoy it.So far everything i read about the game makes me think i will not enjoy and it will save me money.Which i can spend on other games or hell even a movie or something.I'm not going to die again.
And the world is not going to end for i didn't buy one game i may of been interested in.
Than found out more and said to my self i'm most likely not going to enjoy this game and my money could be better spend else where.Found out about stronghold 3 a while ago,i;m a fan of the stronghold games.Stronghold 3 will use something, i would not touch with a 10 foot pole.Sure it may of been fun,but am i killing my self for not buying it?
No i am not.In fact i'm saving a good 60 gold coins that could be send on some other new games or hell, even a small army of old games right here on gog.
Post edited August 13, 2011 by uruk
StingingVelvet: I thought I made it pretty clear when I said traditional singleplayer but since two people have come at me with "singleplayer isn't dying" I guess I have to clarify.

Games are becoming a service, something you subscribe to instead of buy. This has been Microsoft's dream since they first brought up subscribing to Word instead of buying it like a decade ago. This is where everything is headed sadly, from music to movies to games.

Will we still have games designed to be played by yourself? Probably, but the fact they are services will inherently change the gameplay.
Singleplayer games as a service will never take over. All it takes is one Blizzard sized company do it and then have something go wrong where the game unavailable for good. When that happens (I'm almost certain it will, just a matter of time) there will be a severe backlash and people will want a solution to the problem. Which is the old model.
Post edited August 13, 2011 by Whiteblade999
Whiteblade999: Singleplayer games as a service will never take over. All it takes is one Blizzard sized company do it and then have something go wrong where the game unavailable for good. When that happens (I'm almost certain it will, just a matter of time) there will be a severe backlash and people will want a solution to the problem. Which is the old model.
Even beyond that, there will always be single-player games that don't require any online component because there are people who want that. And any time the big companies aren't giving people what they want that provides an opportunity for the smaller guys to step in and grab customers by catering to what they want and what isn't being provided. Torchlight 2 already seems poised to provide an alternative to Diablo 3, and if the devs of Torchlight eventually start requiring an online component then someone else will step in, and so on. The barrier to entry for videogame development and distribution is the lowest it's ever been, and looks like it will only continue to get lower, and this pretty much ensures that there will always be development studios looking to carve out a place for themselves by catering to people that the big companies aren't serving. So as long as people continue to want offline games someone will continue to provide them.
I wont be buying it and it was going to be a day one purchase for me. I dont mind DRM, well some DRM's are OK, I dont mind registering online either, but the fact that I have to be online to play it is a deal breaker for me. I dont play D2 on battlenet, but I do play MMO's.

The difference is, I buy a MMO, specifically to play online with mates/guilds, but if I want a SP game, I dont want it to be online only. If my internet gets buggered up for whatever reason and I cant play, well that would just annoy me.

So I vote with my wallet. I dont particularly rate Diablo games anyway, so its no big deal to me I guess, I'm sure Blizzard with manage to get by with out my miserable €50, so they wont incur any particular hardship because of me.