Just as an aside, in answer to why some may have a huge problem with ubisoft but not with blizzard.
As background I never bought games like half-life 2 when they first came out because of the online DRM requirement, and only started buying steam games very recently, because I noticed my attitudes to this have changed over the last few years.
I don't like online DRM requirements, in principle (the most important type of not liking), but I've made a couple of exceptions for games I really wanted and found it vastly different in implementation.
Strategy is my second favourite next to RPG, so really the only two exceptions I made (until I caved and started using steam) were SCII and Settlers 7.
SCII was a great game, I played through the campaign 3 times, one after the other (same as with The Witcher 2). I don't do multiplayer, at all. To be honest, I never really noticed the DRM. Signing in was a nuisance, but when you play for 8 hours a day (at least) it becomes less noticeable - you only sign in once.
Settlers 7 was a nightmare. The game wasn't that great, but what was worse, I couldn't play it for about 2 weeks after I bought it because of ubisoft's ridiculous servers. Even after those problems were fixed it went offline a few times, forcing me to stop playing.
There was a big difference there, huge. As you can imagine, I'm not a fan of ubisoft these days, but I've seen that Blizzard (and reluctantly, also valve) can handle this in a decent way. I'm not a fanboy of anyone (except CDPR and GOG :P) but there's a big difference to me in these companies - not only in their DRM, but far more importantly, in the quality of the game they're producing. I'd play another valve or blizzard game, with DRM, any day before I'd shell out for one of the myriad consolised crap that's being hawked these days. Why? Because the games are better. What let's me down is when developers sacrifice the quality of their product. I used to be a fanboy of bioware too, though I'm sure we all know why that's no longer the case :P. That, to me, is a worse betrayal - crushing.
The online DRM used to piss me off a lot, but to be honest, I'm always online anyway - if I don't have an internet connection, I'm fucked, and I'd be freaking out for so many other reasons, least of all my games (and GOG has solved that problem for me nicely).
Now, that aside, I'm not decided about D3, for many other reasons, but I just wanted to say why some may see a difference between some of these companies, because although it may seem they are doing the same thing, in practice they're not.
But yeah, auction house doesn't bode well - if items can be traded like that, you can believe you'll have to grind like fuck to get them. When these decisions influence gameplay, that's when I'm pissed.
Post edited August 09, 2011 by brother-eros