Lorfean: All in all (and this is not directed at you) I think people are overreacting something fierce -- they hear "constant internet connection required", "no mods allowed" and "an auction house that will use real money", and just start freaking out. It's classic internet behavior. More than half the people who are now screaming "OMG another game I will NEVER buy!! Blizzard/Activision is pure evi!!" will go out and buy it anyway, and play the shit out of it. People should just calm down, keep their whiny nerd raging selves in check, and wait for the BETA or (even better) the game's release, so they can make a more informed decision about whether it's for them or not. There's a lot more to this game than just those three facts.
StingingVelvet: I don't think it's an overreaction. If anything I tire of the insistence some people have that we act like this is no big deal. Acting like stuff like this is no big deal is what allows companies to fuck us over. The louder the noise opposed to this the better for ALL gaming, in my opinion.
And no, I will not buy it anyway. Not with a forced always online requirement.
This pretty much sums up the thread and why people should care (even if they don't).
If you want everything to be a rental, OnLive style this is a step in that direction. Apparently full prices for rentals are where we'll be starting out.
I know I bitch about Steam constantly, but I'd sign up tomorrow if I could somehow get people to not buy D3 under these conditions. Yes, it's that much worse.
DarrkPhoenix: While Blizzard has almost certainly stepped up their security against these kinds of things for D3,
Have they even fixed this in WOW? Guild banks were still getting ripped off and liquidated through like 5 throwaway mule accounts back in TBC.
I think D3 people are going to find out just what MMO people have been dealing with all these years and I'm not so sure a significant portion of the audience overlaps. Botting and duping were bad in D2, I remember those days, but there's a whole world of hurt even without that (as you said, bots and farming are a big part of it).