Immoli: "But this real money marketplace is the best form of ongoing revenue. The developer builds nothing and the community keeps generating money for them."
Around 4 minutes.
That doesn't sound all that appealing.
Well, not to the community, lol. I'm sure it does to Blizzard:)
I guess the thing about it is, it's pretty clear they're willing to make decisions centered around not just making the marketplace succeed but forcing it in peoples' faces (this is pretty much why there's no offline play at all, as has been noted for weeks and again in the episode). So they're willing to alter the game significantly for this little scheme, what do you want to bet itemization will be specifically geared towards not what's the most fun or best for the game BUT rather what will maximize the amount of people flirting with the RMT auction house. This could also induce them to introduce mudflation into pvp or other gear that really the game proper nor the player benefit from.
Now, if D3 was going to be a grand, f2p experiment on Blizzard's part, fine, I'd say let them take their shot. But it's really not, is it? They're asking people to buy and play this like any other game, except it's not, it is their experiment and is not maximized for "fun" (as most games will attempt to be at least) but rather use of said marketplace with likely just enough fun/addiction thrown in to keep you playing.