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orcishgamer: It was known there'd be no local saves back then? Are you sure you're not conflating the lack of LAN play with no offline mode/local saves?
We'll have to wait until BlizzCon for a better confirmation, but, if it is like SC2, you'll have local saves.
Delixe: Gold sellers have no trouble getting around region restrictions on WoW. I highly doubt Diablo III will stop them especially as you can legally farm right in the game now.
And if it is like with WoW, I'll just report everybody that talks about money, and never hear from their account again.
Post edited August 01, 2011 by KavazovAngel
FraterPerdurabo: In any case, I really don't see why Blizzard is getting so much flak.
As I said, I believe it is because of the major changes that have been implemented by the new Blizzard management.

FraterPerdurabo: Whenever I feel like picking the game up again, I can immediately deck myself out with a decent character. The idea of starting from the bottom again after your characters expire is nauseating.
DeathJester released every item in LOD online years ago so that's not a problem. It actually turned out to be sorta boring as my character was so powerful that the critters burst into flame when they approached. . . =)
diablo.jpg (70 Kb)
Post edited August 01, 2011 by Stuff
bevinator: I sent an email to Blizzard Customer Service (not WoW service) after a late Friday hotfix broke half of my skills. The hotfix was a disproportionate knee-jerk reaction to some Arena exploit. I told them that it was extremely worrying that some random dev could implement a game-changing fix with no notice and then just leave it there all weekend without anybody even looking at it (which is what happened). That sort of behavior was dangerously close to losing lots of customers, not just me.

On Monday, I got a personalized (and rather long) email back from them apologizing and saying all the normal corporate-speak, but it was obvious that they actually cared what I thought, and didn't want to lose me as a customer. (The hotfix was reverted, too.) I was just one of the hundreds of players who surely complained, but they actually LISTENED.

Companies need to listen. They HAVE to listen. If you give players everything that they want, you'll end up spoiling your games. (This is what has happened to WoW in recent years.) But if you don't listen to them at all, bad stuff happens. Hopefully the "new" Blizz won't continue down the path of the Dark Side like they have been, but it looks like they're pretty unrepentant about it.
If they loose customers because of shitty customer support that's their fault, and if they want those customers back then of course it's a good idea to improve. I haven't said anything contrary to this, perhaps I'm not making myself clear since I seem to be attracting a crowd of straw-men. I am not making any claims about what companies like Blizzard should or shouldn't do, only that all the arguments against their recent DRM though is just an appeal to emotion that will be lost on Blizzard.

orcishgamer: Actually due to insane laws they'll own a large part of our iconic gaming culture probably until after my death. I argue they do indeed owe me something for this grant in perpetuity (it was supposed to be for a limited time).
I think you are confusing buying a product from Blizzard with buying shares from Blizzard. Perhaps it is the laws you should be directing your criticism towards.
Stuff: DeathJester released every item in LOD online years ago so that's not a problem. It actually turned out to be sorta boring as my character was so powerful that the critters burst into flame when they approached. . . =)
That's on open Bnet, right? Item packs there have been around since forever. It's actually a ton more fun having all of that stuff on closed bnet and watching everything evaporate around you :>
orcishgamer: I don't think rape is any less of a crime just because murder exists... You're logic has a short circuit, maybe reflect on it a bit.

And I've never seen any proof whatsoever for the "exploited gold farmers are better off than most Chinese" argument. I know it makes people feel better but with no proof it's pretty much hot air designed to assuage one's conscience.
No, it's you who has to reflect. Blizzard isn't exploiting gold farmers. The Chinese are.
FraterPerdurabo: That's on open Bnet, right? Item packs there have been around since forever. It's actually a ton more fun having all of that stuff on closed bnet and watching everything evaporate around you :>
No, I have only used these in the single player game. On Bnet . . . I don't use any cheats.
orcishgamer: Actually due to insane laws they'll own a large part of our iconic gaming culture probably until after my death. I argue they do indeed owe me something for this grant in perpetuity (it was supposed to be for a limited time).
Malfsyde: I think you are confusing buying a product from Blizzard with buying shares from Blizzard. Perhaps it is the laws you should be directing your criticism towards.
No, the people of the US granted them copyright for the sole purpose of increasing the richness of the public domain more quickly (this is unlike the European concepts that an author has some sort of actual right to control their works). Since those games are very much our culture and Blizzard has them under lock and key well beyond their need to monetize them, yes, they owe us, as in the entire public, something.

Copyright in the US is a granted right, not intrinsic, it exists at the pleasure of the people, not copyright holders. You may argue that corporations have twisted the government and are unduly influential in the drafting of laws and I'd agree, but I'm speaking of intent and grounding of the law here.

And lest you misunderstand, no I'm not arguing that we should just be able to pirate their crap on day one, but they are providing a product and just as your bank is not free to screw you however they see fit with their products neither is Blizzard. They owe us our culture and they owe the public a reasonable product (and yes, many industries have their trade restrained in just such a manner).
aww screw it, i was putting all my rpg faith on diablo 3 :| like it was the last of the rpg's... burn in hell blizzard :X torchlight 2 is right behind and looks a lot interesting.......
/sad we will be doing solo runs in d2 for a long time sigh......................
Well, I suppose I should thank Blizzard for this wonderful decision. I was rather interested in this title, but wasn't sure about whether or not to jump on it when it was released. But since I do single player only, and I usually like to use mods on my games, they've really made it easy for me on this one: no sale.

So thanks, Blizzard, for saving me $60.
FraterPerdurabo: That's on open Bnet, right? Item packs there have been around since forever. It's actually a ton more fun having all of that stuff on closed bnet and watching everything evaporate around you :>
Stuff: No, I have only used these in the single player game. On Bnet . . . I don't use any cheats.
Neither do I, but it's entirely doable if you build your character right! Anyway, this isn't the thread for this discussion.
liquidsnakehpks: aww screw it, i was putting all my rpg faith on diablo 3 :| like it was the last of the rpg's... burn in hell blizzard :X torchlight 2 is right behind and looks a lot interesting.......
/sad we will be doing solo runs in d2 for a long time sigh......................
And it will retail for less than 60 bucks too;)

TL2 looked really good even at PAX last year, by now it should be really outstanding. Co-op play is the feature I'm most excited about.

As well, recall TL came with a massive editor on the disc, they're basically saying "Go modders!"
Another reason why not to play Diablo 3. Thank you, Blizzard. Stuff your game where the sun doesn't shine. Of course, fanboy brigade will hold them no matter what.
Tweet from Runic Games:

@RunicGames: #Torchlight2 will still support mods, LAN play, and will be a one time purchase. :)
Delixe: Tweet from Runic Games:

@RunicGames: #Torchlight2 will still support mods, LAN play, and will be a one time purchase. :)
Anyone true fan of Diablo and D2 should be buying TL2 anyway. If I have to explain the reasons then hand in your fan badge.

EDIT: And btw awesome! The internet makes everything better.
Post edited August 01, 2011 by orcishgamer
Delixe: Tweet from Runic Games:

@RunicGames: #Torchlight2 will still support mods, LAN play, and will be a one time purchase. :)
Epic. Love that.

It's sad that I am already noticing a lack of caring about the always online thing. Most of the debate seems to be about the item shop. I would guess as long as Diablo 3 sells millions, which it will, the always online requirement will become standard.
Total bonehead move, this game had win written all over it. It seems Ubifucks' totally intrusive DRM scheme is gaining popularity with some game companies, too bad they forgot about their loyal customers.

I have a kickass online connection, but forcing players to always be connected to their servers is total bullshit. Add to that the 'Real money auction house', no attribute points, and no skill tree and you have the perfect shitstorm of doom.

I hope this game and the companies behind it fail. Fuck you Activision/Blizzard.
Post edited August 01, 2011 by oldschool