orcishgamer: Actually due to insane laws they'll own a large part of our iconic gaming culture probably until after my death. I argue they do indeed owe me something for this grant in perpetuity (it was supposed to be for a limited time).
Malfsyde: I think you are confusing buying a product from Blizzard with buying shares from Blizzard. Perhaps it is the laws you should be directing your criticism towards.
No, the people of the US granted them copyright for the sole purpose of increasing the richness of the public domain more quickly (this is unlike the European concepts that an author has some sort of actual right to control their works). Since those games are very much our culture and Blizzard has them under lock and key well beyond their need to monetize them, yes, they owe us, as in the entire public, something.
Copyright in the US is a granted right, not intrinsic, it exists at the pleasure of the people, not copyright holders. You may argue that corporations have twisted the government and are unduly influential in the drafting of laws and I'd agree, but I'm speaking of intent and grounding of the law here.
And lest you misunderstand, no I'm not arguing that we should just be able to pirate their crap on day one, but they are providing a product and just as your bank is not free to screw you however they see fit with their products neither is Blizzard. They owe us our culture and they owe the public a reasonable product (and yes, many industries have their trade restrained in just such a manner).