Delixe: The difference here is Diablo 3 isn't an MMO and it certainly isn't F2P. These stores are fine in F2P games but it's hard to justify the official inclusion here. This is a cash-grab plain and simple. Blizzard want to include this because they get a cut of all the trades and it's also the reason why mods are not tolerated. Sure the gold farmers will drive down the prices but it will still be profitable. Blizzard want to force players into using this so they can make more money, having mod-tools that enable people to make their own stuff for free is incompatible with that strategy. Only the most die-hard Blizzard fan can't see what Blizzard are doing here, I find it frankly disgusting. Force people to play online, force them to use their own store and ban any way people can modify the game. Diablo 3 isn't a game it's a tool Blizzard are using to collect money, nothing more. Of course we all know what Blizz-boys are like so they will be queueing up on day one to drown Blizzard in money.
Your post is on the verge of delirium.
Diablo II isn't an MMO and it isn't F2P. Yet it still has a huge item shop market.
Explain how the item store has anything to do with not tolerating moding.
No-one is forcing you to use the item store. I've played and still am playing D2 since launch and I've never purchased a single item for 'hard currency'. If you don't want to 'give Blizzard your money' then use the regular auction house.
In any case, the money made per transaction for Blizzard would literally be pennies. The amounts wouldn't even be pocket change for a company like that. Treating this as some 'profit making scheme' is simply horribly misguided.
Brb gonna go and drown Blizzard in money.