Gersen: And his excuse is even sillier than the Blizzard one
At least Blizzard has some kind of 'excuse'. Look at what Willits said in contrast:
"If we could force people to always be connected when you play the game, and then have that be acceptable, awesome."
He knows that we gamers don't want to be online whenever we play. But he doesn't matter. Willits just thinks that it would be 'awesome' if they could force us gamers to accept this always online bs. Thats even worse than this whole DRM-system itself... You can't tell your customers that you would love it to force them to accept things they don't want. Try this at your job... Well... No, better don't try this at your job. Stupid idea...
If Blizzards system works out, we'll have to live with always online DRM in most new games. This reminds me of something, seven years ago... It's just happening again... Nobody wanted Steam. But Half Life 2 was a must have. And today? Today Steam has it's own Hammer Legion...