Arc’Nak’Kar, wanting to join in on the fun, lets loose a dart in White Elk’s direction.
Arc'Nak'Kar attacks White Elk. 1d6 (6) damage = 6. Ouch, White Elk was TANKED, instead, Exile loses 2HP. Exile now has 31 HP.
Reeling back from the blast of magic to the chest, The Milkman attacks White Elk in a flash of milky white rage.
Milkman attacks White Elk 1d6 (4) + 4 = 8. White Elk now has 20 HP.
Finally, in a moment of generosity, the Blue team chooses to help the poor Ringmaster.
Arc’Nak’Kar to c6
Milkman to a6
Sly moves to c6
They help the Ringmaster.
EDIT: Screwed up turn order, had to make some corrections :P
updated potions:
milkman: 1 (25HP), 1 (5HP)
sly cooper: 2 (5HP each)
wanderers: 1 each (10HP)
updated uses:
Arc'Nak'Kar is out of Duplicate Potion uses.
White Elk is out of Arc Lightning.
White Elk has 1 uses of Magic Missile remaining.
Exile has 0 uses of Tank remaining.
Updated HP:
Sly: 24
Arc'Nak'Kar: 24
Milkman: 17
Ringmaster: 20 (Max: 30)
Heroditus: 33
Exile: 31
White Elk: 20
Royal Bowman: 20 (Max: 30)
New map attached.
After attacking, Milkman ran to the aid of the Ringmaster.
With two fists clenched, he clobbered the guard on the back of his head.
The Ringmaster dusted himself off, got up and pulled his weapon. "Let me repay the favor!" he exclaimed.
Meanwhile, a member of the King's Guard, a Royal Bowman has entered the fray and begun slinging arrows towards Milkman for his treasonous act.
RINGMASTER JOINS BLUE TEAM!!! You may now control him!
ROYAL BOWMAN JOINS WANDERERS!!! You may now control him! _________________________________________________________________________
HP: 20
Attack: 1d6+2.
Range: 1
Uses: Close Ground (3)
Royal Bowman
HP: 20
Attack: 1d6
Range: 2
Uses: Focus (2)
Forgot to add: Arc'Nak'Kar has looted 50 gold. (Again, don't worry I will add it up for you all.) WhiteElk: With our parties weapon composition maybe its not so bad.
But thinking outside our game I'm not in favor of being able to fire and retreat.
I think long range weapons are the opposite are nerfed ;~p I think they've become overpowered. I can't see how being able to fire then retreat is bad thing for range weapons in any way. Range 2 weapons can't advance to within range of retreating range 3 weapons.
I could be missing something here. And my initial shock has worn off lol. But I'm still seeing the retreating range tactic as becoming the "must use" tactic. It was bad enough when my team was pussyfooting around trying to limit the power of your Repel spell. But imagine how its gonna be with range retreating. More dancing, less combat. I think.
Good stuff. Well, for next game there's the new rules as posted on the blog, with simultaneous moves.. so that's going to require move step FIRST, then attack. That ought to fix it a bit.
Also, when characters can begin leveling up and claiming secondary weapons, so they can switch from ranged to melee that ought to help too.
Heh I just thought about it: "no dancing around and dodging" says the dude with 3 Arc Lightnings and 3 Magic Missiles. You have to admit, that is funny =D