SirPrimalform: Yeah... I don't think their pre-order model is very well thought out. It usually takes quite a while for the price to rise above $4. I think it would make more sense to offer preorders at the starting price or less, considering it's a gamble at that point because you don't know what the games are.
You're right though, they don't have enough influence yet.
I think they would sell more and make more money if the pre-orders were either cheaper or not 'blind'.
I disagree.
First of all, it's 3$/euro for 4 games. There's no much space to make them cheaper. They have no reason to make more sales = more money, if all those money would go to credit card companies or paypal.
4 bucks is not much, and some ppl like to have surprise.
There are many ppl who don't care that pre-order price is higher than normal minimum price, as they pay more than minimum. If someone pays recommended price (5$/euro), he doesn't care about that.
Also, in every Royal Bundle there was at least one game I always wanted to try, but its retail price was too high or other reason. All other games I treat as a free bonus.